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I thought there'd be more levels

While the game does not have that much to it, I simply can not dislike it, because it is so much fun to play. You basically have to hold the "S" key down the whole time. I suspect that if you slide more, you will avoid getting hit. I was just hearing about all of the tornadoes going on in the United States... Too bad they're too late for the apocalypse. This was great because it had all of the great graphics that make your games so well done.

I must be going nuts, because for a moment I thought Darnell was the girl. I guess that's to be expected when you use such unusual names. The hardest part was dodging all of those flying crosses. The part where Jesus(' head) turned into three turned out to be the easiest part of all. It's great to see the sunburned town in the background.

Hey, it works!

What can I say about this game? While there is not much detail put into it, you really have to give it credit because as far as I know, it's a game that just plain works! You should, however, try to put some more detail into it as there is no sound or background. I think I have played a game like this before and it worked as well. It would take me a long time to figure out exactly how it was done, but I may never. I suppose not knowing how it is done is part of the magician's trick.

There really should be more detail put into it. Everything just seems to have a far too simplistic design in it and there is little to no shading. I suppose that if something works like it should, it is decent. I imagine that it would be hard to put more variety in a game that's strictly a gadget kind and doesn't need flashy stuff to be good. The things it does have should be of higher quality though.

They're back!

This game was not as good as the first one, but it was still lots of fun. The coolest part was being able to run around everyone as the game gave you great mobility. The only real problem I had was that I did not know how to switch weapons. Those "bangers" were pretty cool weapons, if not the most effective. I love how you could never really die if you kept pressing the continue button. What happens is that you wake up from a dream only to fight the zombies in the real world.

I assume that you just keep waking up if you die over and over. It's especially funny to see the zombies slowly get their health drained as they blow up. I also loved how you put a car in it. It is easily the most efficient way to kill zombies, you just have to look out for the barrels. Speaking of which, I liked how they helped with killing too.

Jimp responds:

Press space to switch weapons, equip new weapons in the weapon select screen (you can only have 2 selected)

Never heard of a lumen before

This game is pretty good because it has a really good technological feeling to it. The only thing wrong with it is that it is not well detailed. Besides that, it's hard to find anything wrong with it. The strongest point is probably that it does not try to be really elaborate and is just a simple maze game. It's really cool how small the white dot is. It sure makes it easier to avoid the edges. I wasn't even sure if they were dangerous at first, but I knew I would find out soon enough, which I did.

The music was decent and it gave off a pretty simple feeling. That contrasted well with the more technological background. I especially like the menu screen and all the electric looking elements that were around. I suggest you should probably put in a more interesting maze like more detail in the structure. It does not look that detailed as just a white line, you should use the neon lights you use for the menu.

Quite complicated

What was interesting about this game was that it was a lot harder than you would think. The best part was probably the designs of the blocks and balls themselves. It seemed like they were made of some kind of star dust or some outer space energy. They were extremely colorful. I know that might sound superfluous, but every little detail can count in making in a good game. It was frustrating how the first level was so effortless while the second level was the exact opposite.

The designs of the blocks kind of reminded me of the ragdoll designs from the Ragdoll Cannon series. The hardest part was finding out how to put the balls down. There were the least stable of any shape. I appreciate the really swell and harmonous music that was used for this. Hey, if you're going to play something complicated at least have soothing music.

I thought it was a username

This was one of the goofiest names I have ever seen on an NG game! There is nothing wrong with that as this is a very fun game to play. I think what I liked most was the little plopping sounds that were made whenever the ball jumped away. It was interesting how these seemed to take place in the stars with the mystic music going on. I especially enjoyed how it was a game you could really take your time with. I was afraid it would be all the dynamite taken out at the same time.

It was cool with even how the ball entered the game. Boy, those concrete blocks that always remain sure come in handy. I was a bit confused at first because I jumped twice and thought I had none left. I was still able to use another one because the second one I took was from the first powerup I got. It's a bit simple, but tons of fun.

Very fun game

This was really cool to play because there was so much variety put into everything. The best parts were the extra ragdolls that had effects you were not aware of. I like how everything is drawn like it was on scrapbook paper. It gives off a feeling of childhood innocence, but at the same time not amateurish. The music is stylistic as well and gives off a good sense of peace. Who knew you could feel peace when firing people out of cannons?

It was cool how sometimes the "H" was not a stable object but actually a ball. Sometimes I got it on my first try without even trying that hard. I look forward to you consistently making these good ragdoll games. Blue is my second favorite color so I like so I liked how it was used. You even seem to reach home if it fell offscreen!

Sweet game!

I can totally see why this went on to win every single main positive award out there! Everything here was just wonderfully done and had a perfect sense of creativity to it. I am usually not that good with puzzle games but this was a huge exception! I just loved going everywhere and trying to figure out how to do everything. Even the clanking sound the robot made was awesome! I learned so many things while I was coming along in the game.

There were so many things to take note of like how two green things had to be close to each other to hurt you. I loved seeing the purple robotic arms just jutting out of the robot's body. It just goes to show how good Nitrome is at making games. A lot of times I was able to get through the level just by messing with whatever I could. This showed me to think outside the box.

Needs a lot of work

The weakest bit of this was how it was just too easy. All I had to do was press the same two buttons over and over and I won the game. I guess easy games can be enjoyable but they have to have a lot of detail put into them and have interesting characters. Another big flaw was how there was just one round with the same guy. There could have also been a background. The only thing that was kind of enjoyable was when the enemy blew up.

What was weird was that I could not even tell that I was hitting him. Maybe I was not looking close enough, but my arms seemed to be in the same place the whole game. The drawings are also not good, especially with the lack of shading and well made lines. I hope you can learn that there is always room for improvement. The enemy could also be more interesting.

A different rhythm game

This game was really fun to play because it was unlike any rhythm game I had ever played! I am no fan of the "Guitar Hero" series, mostly because I'm not good with guitar like instruments. I am happy this was something entirely different. It wasn't even so much a rhythm game as it was a puzzle game. The coolest thing was probably that the icon you controlled was a really cute yellow note. Thank you for making the gray blocks jiggle before they attacked you.

With those blocks, the best thing to do is really to just dash all over the place. Hey, there's only a one in five chance you will get killed! It was a great way of testing your finesse because I was able to manuever through the cannon shots well. While not the most detailed, the graphics were really good. It probably helps I'm a big music fan.

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