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Tons of fun!

Dude, I had no idea how something so simplistic could come off as so entertaining. It was really good with just how good the graphics were. There was just a real good sense of innocence and just a desire to have fun with the game. It's not one of the best, but it's definitley worth playing. I just love the way the little frog's legs run all around the screen as he swims. I should have realized that touching the lilypads would always be bad.

At least you were really fair with how points were deducted. You did not die upon touching something you were not supposed to, just lost some seconds. I also liked how the arrows told you where to go. It just seemed like you were making it too easy for me! It's so fun I simply do not care how simple it turned out to be.

Awesome game!

This was one sweet game because there was just so much going on! Let me also say that the powerup of those little guys absorbing the blows is probably the best powerup ever! I am so glad to be introduced to your style. The medals did not show up when I got them, but they did show up on my profile! The cybernetic voice was also really cool. I just love how there was such an amazingly good amount of colors and designs put into this.

There is always something going on and you really know how to prepare yourself for it. Don't think that a boss appearing is going to make the level end, especially as the game progresses. The backgrounds were simply flawless and showed great innovation in their designs. These kinds of games makes me proud to be an online gamer. I wish you the best of luck in all future work!

Squize responds:

Thanks mate, you've made a good day that bit better.

Nice and complicated

What I liked about this game was that there were just so many things going on. You had no idea when a level was going to end or not. While it was not the most detailed game, it still worked because it had so many things in every level. The music was also really soothing. I find it funny how the first game does not even have the same author listed as the second game! It is pretty fun to just watch the ball float across the screen.

It kind of looks like a soccer ball to me and I don't know why you would use that design. Anyway, it was also cool with how much freedom you had in every level. There was actually quite a variety of places to explore. You had to look at every nook and cranny to get past the level. You could put in more detail and maybe some shading.

Great sadistic fun

This was really cool to play because you had so much freedom to simply blow up whatever you wanted! It got a little annoying with how it had to be specific but still a very fun game. The best part would be when you could shoot your bazooka through the people's bodies! I wish it could have been available at a lower resolution. Overall, it's great fun and I guess it's okay to make fun of terrorism? I do not recall the first two entries in this series.

The funny thing was how everyone panicked when you appeared. Even the zombies went nuts at the sight of the bazooka! It was great to see such good animation and it reminds me of that cartoon show "The Oblongs". You really have to get a good look around for all potential victims. I don't know how you put a walkthrough with this, but it's nice.

Infinity is good!

While not the most creative in terms of structure, this still managed to be a very addictive game. What really works is when you can speed up or slow things down. I just had so much fun speeding it up and watching them race around like chipmunks. It's amazing how much fun you can have with such a simple game. Defense games are long so I have little doubt this would go on for infinity. The music was also really good and gives a good technological feeling to the game.

What was also great was how there were so many things to choose from. It kind of looked like the boxes were throwing paint at the planes. Hey, it makes as much sense as most other defense games! This was a lot of fun and it just goes to show that belugerin will always be here to make awesome games. Don't get too addicted to this!

Death is cheap

This is another one of those games where there is destruction at every level. The game can be frustrating, but it's actually done pretty well once you know where the traps are. I hope this helps some people. Not every screen is a level but I certainly wish it was. On the first screen, go to the right and then left because a rock is going to fall on you. Jumping on the lower right screen will kill you. Just go right to the end of the stage doing nothing else.

Look out on the upper ledge for a rock falling down. You should do what the sign tells and then jump over as spikes will kill you. Do not ever press the "Q" button and watch out for the rock that will come on the lower edge. Jump on top of each platform (it should be pretty obvious you shouldn't fall down). I have no clue how to get past the boulder.

I can block

This was a fairly mediocre game mostly because it seems like there was not much good or bad about it. If the medals had points, then yeah, I would be more motivated to play it. I will, however, say that this game is fairly harmless. I guess it is kind of neat to see old people doing well, nothing and be able to get points with that. The main fault is that you are not allowed to be in a wide open area. Every level and wave seems the same.

It is kind of entertaining to see those killers accidentally stab themselves like that. There just needs to be more variety with how they move and attack. I would have also preferred it if you were allowed to actually attack. Still, this does fit the theme of the NG Game Jam well. That blue icon with the handicap sign is pretty cute too.

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