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Quite difficult

It was weird because the first two levels were ones that I only had to press one button once to get past. Everything was just so complicated after that! This was still playable because it has an interesting idea. I am not sure if the kinds of ground makes a difference on the levels of how the ball goes. It certainly was the best way to make a golf game look like a video game. In fact, I envisioned a golf game like this myself once only in real life (without the lasers, though).

The music is decent and gives off a bit of a sense of wonder. What was also cool was that the graphics were nice even if there was not the most detail. I guess I'm only mad because it was just so easy for me to go overpar. More skilled gamers should have more fun with this. I wish I understand what the title meant.

Powerful stuff

What's truly awesome is how authentic this game is. The only thing that I had problems with were at the beginning with the controls. You have to press the down key to go under the blocks at the beginning so you can advance to the rest of the game. It might have used a little more detail, but still wonderfully done. It was cool how each new ability was a realistic representation of what you get at that point in life. I am currently 21.

I hope I manage to live a long life. Hopefully I will be fortunate enough to get married and have children as this man does. It was really cool about how when you reached the end, that was simply the end. Maybe I shouldn't have tried so hard to get to the end of the game. Of course, if I don't work hard I will lose before I get to the top.

Fairly entertaining

What was cool about this was just how ridiculous it managed to be. It was weird how you just had no idea what was going to show up next in terms of enemies. The animation kind of reminds me of the stuff by JeremyLokken. I find it strange taht FreeworldGroup does not credit this on their profile or here. The music is decent enough. The worst thing aobut it is the controls which were hard to understand. I think the problem was that I kept trying to press the mouse instead of the space button.

The aiming just seemed off with that. I could not understand the language, but I have played so many games here you really don't need to. It was funny to just watch the brown horse fly around. There were so many enemies it just did not seem to have an end in sight and got frustrating. It's still not bad and you have to mess with it at first.

gavD responds:

ooh, good point, FWG have accepted my buddy request now so I've added them as a sponsor :-)

The engine I wrote for this game does actually support mouse aiming (it also supports n-level parallax scrolling, another feature we're not using here!); we may reuse it for another game, or maybe a reduxed version of this with powerups, stages, collectables, bosses et cetera

I have no idea why it's in French, really - we just thought it was funny!

Thanks for the review!

Here comes the third one

I did not like this as much as your previous Stickman Madness games. It was because those games had you go through a lot of locations that you could really test yourself with. This game got a bit redundant as it seemed to be just the same enemies over. It still managed to be enjoyable because it is fun to just shoot people over and over. I thought at first that headshots were the best way to ensure lethal damage. It seems like a shot in the chest would work just as well.

Headshots are still better because you get to actually see the head get blown up. It seems like the graphics were not as good as they were in the previous entries. I also really liked the music because it gave you a good feeling of battle. I am still a big fan of defense games. These kinds, however, are probably my least favorite.

Not your best

This game was fairly decent, but it was far from the best in the series. The main fault with this is that after awhile you do realize that you're basically just destroying the same enemies over and over. How many kills do you have to get to actually advance to Level 2? It's at least good because it has nice graphics. It's especially satisfying to see the cavemen get hit on the head over and over. I was thinking that maybe the enemies were coming from some base you had to destroy, but they were not.

The controls are nice as well and are not the least bit complicated. I just would have liked some more variety. It's still nice to play because it has the same addictiveness that made the other games so playable. You do get a lot of good oppurtunities to hit your enemies. Hey, when you hit pause and change the volume, you automatically control your character (even though he doesn't actually hit anybody).

Nice puzzle game

This was a really cool game to play because it had a very unique feel to it. It was just cool to slowly get rid of the blocks but allowing the main character to still live. At first I thought you were supposed to make him fall to the ground. I guess I've played so many of those violent video games I rarely think of ones where you actually have to protect someone. The tune seems to really go in with the theme. It has a jungle/wild theme to it which fits the totem is what I mean.

You really have to just mess with everything if you want to figure out how to get the right combination. It isn't that hard to understand to just play with when you get rid of something. There wasn't that much detail, especially in the background. It is still a puzzle game that I would recommend as it doesn't get too hard. It's funny how your mouse turns into a bomb!


This was quite a bit harder than I thought it was going to be. When I reached the last level on "Normal" mode it said that I actually had over 150 enemies to fight! I just think that's really too much for anything like this! At least I managed to get that far as the graphics are good. The thing I do not like is that it does seem like there is not much detail put into the characters. My favorite attack would have to be when you can get the base to refract like that on the enemies. I didn't know I could do that until I was desperate enough to try.

The way the bombs and stuff move across the screen is very cool. It does seem like it just gets hard way too quickly! At least the music is fairly decent and better players than me should have fun with it. It's defintley a big environment so it gives you lots of room to fight. Just a little easier and some more detail.

How nice

This was not one of the best games out there, but it was quite decent. The best thing about it is that the graphics are really well done. It is interesting to look at the designs of the ships and the planes and everything. I probably didn't like this as much as some people because I am just not that good at it. It is hard to determine whether or not a click is going to result in a shot from the top or bottom. At least the planes are easier to hit as your missile (or cannonball) is easier to control than the underwater mine.

It certainly does make it satisfying when you manage to destroy some ships. There were good flashy effects here, even when the plane crashed into the ship you were controlling! It was nice as always to show how much time you have left. You have to manuever when the ships fall down. I also like how the cannonballs shot just plop down when they do not hit something.

Interesting game

While not the best game out there, this was still pretty fun to play. The fun in it is mostly how simple it is. All you have to do is move these crates over and over. I am glad you do not have to work hard to move all the crates as they each can be pushed off. It's interesting to see the different variety of sizes you get. You really have to watch out for whatever is coming out next from the top. What's also cool is how you are able to turn the music off.

It's fun at first, but the tune gets a little annoying. It's still a well done game even if it did not have the most detail. I suggest you probably putting in more of a background and maybe more designs in the boxes. The gameplay itself really has little that is wrong with it. It was also nice to throw in powerups to make you faster.

Very impressive!

This was really cool to play because the graphics were just so good! It was also sweet to have two kinds of gameplay even though neither were really that direct. It's just great to watch these ninjas fall one after another. The best part would have to be when some of them are just dropping by the air and I kill them before they hit the ground. In fact, I don't think they've ever managed to hit the ground before I hit them. The graphics are just so great with how CGI the characters moved.

I am a big fan of defense games and I am always looking for new and innovative ones! This was a great twist and it gives me hope that you can always find different kinds. The music was pretty good as well. You can simply not do wrong by putting ninjas in defense games. It helps that I'm such a great typist making me really good.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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