Get rid of the sound!
This would have been more playable if the sound had not been so annoying. I guess the graphics aren't half bad, but you need to have a lot more in terms of gameplay. I doubt if this could even be considered a game of any kind. I think I was able to pass some of the levels but I do not know how. When I saw the title, I thought it would have Raptor Jesus in it. Some of the levels were a bit creative, but the loud sound just made everything so unenjoyable.
Congradulations on getting this passed, I suppose. I think that if you worked with actual gameplay, it would be a lot more enjoyable. I thought maybe it was just going to be that blue blob floating around at first. It has some unexpected twists, but that is not enough to recommend it. If you put your raptor in an interesting environment, I think the player could have fun with it.