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Very nice!

It's getting hard to beat these games now that I do not see the medals. Your website doesn't work well in giving the answers. Anyway, I thought that this was very artistic. It had a very original idea, what with using plants to move up to collect parts for a ship. I also thought the graphics were pretty good, especially with how the character was drawn. The music also works well for being pleasant too.

AethosGames responds:

Thanks for playing :) Note that the site you are refering to is the sponsors site, not my site.

Hmm, not bad

I admit that I wasn't that excited at first when there didn't appear to be any enemies, but it definitley got better as it went along! The second level was nice, as I could basically just go and blast through anything I wanted, and move along the screen just keeping my finger on the button. It was kind of funny how they gradually exploded as I kept thinking they were done with one explosion. It's great to see some new stuff from you, Weasel. While the graphics weren't the best I've seen from you, and it was kind of redundant, I still liked it. I look forward to more stuff you make.

Hmmm, not bad

This wasn't one of my favorite games, but it was certainly quite impressive. I guess it was just supposed to be one level of play. This may have made it less enjoyable than other games, but you put in some impressive sprite graphics. It's an interesting concept to turn a single boss battle into a whole game. I don't even know if there's a way to even beat this guy. It was also really cool how you automatically hit when you were just pressing the button.

One of the best football games!

I'm not a fan of football (games or otherwise) but this was very innovative! I at first didn't know what to do and thought I could touched the guy to tackle him, but figured out the "Z" command. I don't know if I've ever played a football game that had upgrades! It sort of reminded me of defense games in that sense. I was also very impressed by the use of CGI and it really gives the characters a lot of movement. The comment about how the car was just there was pretty funny as well.


Why wasn't ArmorGames credited? Anyway, I was very impressed by this. I think I may have played one of your other games (although I can't tell the name at the moment), but this was great. The designs of the dragons were very well done. I don't understand what those ice ships were supposed to be, but they were very cool at least. The effects of the dragons breathing the different kinds of fire (especially the green color) was nice as well.

A very original game!

At first I thought this was going to be a game where you, as a farmer, were defeating monsters. I thought it was weird how it mentioned you would eat your enemies. I'm glad to say it turned out to be something way more original! The design of the monster and the settings are done wonderfully, and it is fun to eat those guys. My only complaint is that it takes a while to eat them, but with harder work, I should be able to win. The grids showing the enemies was an excellent touch as well!

Not too shabby!

I am not a fan of RPG's, so I wasn't expecting to be interested in this, but it was nice! The graphics were pretty nicely done and so was the music. The character designs were really interesting, especially with the choices at the beginning. It was fun to talk to those people even if it wasn't a very open space. The enemies were designed pretty well too. It was a bit hard to defeat them, as I couldn't tell how close I was, but overall a well-done game.

Very graceful!

I'm not that familiar with your work, but I'm glad to be more accustomed to it! I was very impressed by the style of this one, just like the other one. The music was simply fantastic and the graphics were great too. My only complaint is that when you go near the broken place and pull the lever and jump all the way up, it's hard to touch the destination, not to mention you die if you try too many times. Still, I loved the little signs that were everywhere and of course the cool clickable things. You have good talent.

Quite impressive!

I'm not a fan of RPG's, but this was very well done! It was a bit annoying how those green blobs fired at you and the boss was hard, but at least you were able to switch levels whenever you wanted, which really saved it. The powerups were also interesting. I thought the graphics were very nicely done, especially with the houses. I can't really understand what your companion is supposed to do, as she just seems to get hurt a lot, but overall, a very nice way to waste time.

Great stuff!

I was very impressed by this and I believe I can now safely say that this is the best Halloween themed game I've seen on this website! I had no idea where it was going at first with the instructions. I thought maybe it was a side-scoller, but I realize it was something much better. The set was Donkey Kong-like and I liked how it really made the player think about strategy and how to solve things. It was cool to lure monsters into being hit by body parts. This was a wonderfully fun and original idea! Oh, and happy belated Halloween.

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