View Profile Ericho

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It's here!

I remember first going on your website and seeing as how you had some great stuff other than the single game you had here, and it's great to see you contribute it! As always, I'm a huge fan of zombies forever. I like how it sets itself different from a standard zombie game. It isn't about shooting or weapons at all, it's just using physical power to kill guys. The health reforming was a nice touch too and the animation and music were good.

Not bad at all

I'm not really a fan of RPG's, and not the ones in this format, but it was still quite nice. If nothing else, I learned to appreciate the artwork. It's also nice to tell a story about people like the Native Americans for a game. I can really tell you put a lot of effort into this, and if I may make a suggestion, make the story a little easier to understand. At first, I thought this was a defense game! The music was also nice and fit the environment well.


I'm a fan of these things, even if I'm not the biggest one. This was entertaining the whole way through, just with the music and the fuse at the beginning of the game. I guess as you play more games, you just realize you like blowing things up! It's great to put that rage into a game that can actually have strategy. I'm trying to see how many I can get down with just one bomb. The character design (from what there was) was very nice as well.

Great game!

At first I was confused (and somewhat frustrated) as to how you played the game, as it took you through the same places over, but then I realised that was part of the game. I wasn't expecting much at first, but it worked out very well for me. I'm not fan of point-and-click adventures really, but this was a very good take on the genre! The black and white atmosphere just fits the mood so well, not to mention it can be pretty scary at times.

So glad to be here!

Well, I remember going all the way over to your Deviantart pages and being impressed by the game that was upcoming with all of those amazing designs and I was happy to find out it was just as great as I anticipated it! I can see why you now have more medals than any other user on Newgrounds. You truly know how to create a gaming world (or at least a world at all) that has nearly flawless animation, creative things to do, and an overall fun atmosphere.

While I have yet to beat this game, I can at least say I had lots of fun hitting things with all the varieties of spells, items, and other stuff you had just lying around waiting to be found! There's just so much you can do with this thing and I'm glad you made this as well as the sequel!


I don't even have Cartoon Network on my TV right now (then again, I really don't think highly of them) but it's good to know that AdultSwim is going to be around to show off goofy and awesome games! I'm reminded of the "Cut" series, but I liked this better, simply because I think it works a lot better as a game and does in fact give the player an interesting look at how surgery is.

Now it probably isn't even that realistic (how would I know?) but it's great to play.

NIce effects!

While it may not have been much for actual gameplay, I was still quite impressed by this game. The CG graphics were done just very well and I admit that it was a pretty interesting idea to just shoot these weirdos who had letters for bodies. None of it makes sense, but at least it's nice to look at, which will make it good enough to recommend.

bossmonsterDanbo responds:

Thanks! *Sigh* Yeah, I rarely focus on making my games make sense. ;)

Very original!

I didn't know what to expect, but it's suffice to say that I was quite impressed by this! The idea of this robot going around grabbing people and crushing them while they're crying out (I don't even know what these stupid little things are!) was awesome, and it was also great how you could hit other victims with the ones you were holding and use different weapons and, oh, you get the idea.

Great zombies!

I was always a fan of zombie stuff and the reason I even looked into this was because I was really into the new "Zombieland" movie in theaters now! I don't think I played the first game, but I can tell you that I am very impressed by your style! This managed to have a story (for however long I could last at least) and it was just awesome shooting zombie after zombie even if I didn't even know what I was suppposed to get done in this crazy game!!

Nice foosball!

I guess you could say I'm somewhat of a foosball fan and this did a good job of delivering a good stimulus. I thought that the CGI was very well done, even if I was a bit disappointed the guys were only shown from the top. I admit that I'm not good at this game at all, but that could always change with a bit of practice. I was thinking this belonged to the profiles of some big gaming site, but it was interesting to know you just did it on your own.

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