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Pretty nice!

As you may know, I'm not the biggest fan of RPG's, but I can at least look at popular ones to see graphics or to get updated with what my favorite artists are doing. I was impressed by the graphics (The-Swain made this? I couldn't even tell!) as well as the gameplay. While it was pretty complicated, I could appreciate all of the time and effort that was put into this with things that truly made it unique.

Great stuff!

Probably the thing that really won me over was that in the beginning, I actually had no idea how to play the game, really, I just went over and pressed buttons and just so happened to get points. After awhile, I figured out what the rules of the game were and managed to have more fun with it at that, but it would have been just fine if I never figured it out and just did things for no reason.

Nice again!

This is obviously a very prolific place for making games, but let me say it deserves to if it keeps making great games like these! I was really impressed at how simplistic it seemed (with just the tickets, popcorn, and soda) but it turned out to be more of a challenge as it went along giving the player more diligence to complete it and besides, I like movie theaters so the theme is really cool.

Quite impressive!

While admittedly I was turned off by the cutesier aspect of this (I've certainly played a lot of games like this before) I can praise this game for its creativity as it gives a lot of interesting shapes to choose from (or should I say, items?). I also thought it was cool how sometimes the fish things would be locked and it took more strategy to beat the level.


I can gladly say that the games in this series are getting better! Now, I think you're really starting to put more ideas and originality in your work. I believe this is quite different than the stuff you've usually done in this series and I praise you for that as well as the interesting graphics and the nice puzzles. Again, it helps that you include the walkthrough.

Why the low score?

I'm surprised this has such a low score as I think it's a great game! The way you were able to just simply use those controls to go everywhere and blast all of those crazy people and tanks and crates and stuff was just awesome! It has the look of something for say younger audiences but adds in a lot of blowing stuff up for older audiences giving it something for everyone.


This is by far the best game that you've submitted in a long time. I'm not the biggest golf fan, but I guess video game (sort of) golf can work out pretty well for me! I thought it was nice how it was so simplistic, truly giving in to a realistic structure of golf. I always liked it how I was able to take notice of the distances and aim for the holes better.

Needs improvement

It helps that I'm not a fan of point-and-click adventure games in the first place (as this one didn't have a guide) but the thing is, the animation just seemed poor in this one. It was too cartoonish and I think this site can do better. Paradoxically, I was kind of interested by the colors that seemed to work well and at least I got to hit that dumb bird.


Well, I could easily compare this to the previous Alien-themed game you submitted, and I think this was better, but not by much. My biggest complaints was that the depth perception just did nothing. I have no idea if I'm going to hit something and I still don't know what that space button does. For all of its faults though, I still have to praise this for having a lot of great graphics that really fit the mood and theme well.

Not too bad

I was pretty impressed by the graphics that were used on this, and I'm going to admit it was really fun to get those dumb humans sucked up. My biggest complaint was that it was too difficult. I mean, I know I'm not that bad a gamer, but even on easy mode on the first level I ran out of time! I sort of figured that the UFO was where you'd get more beams too.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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