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Pretty nice

I'm a big fan of freeworldgroup and I have noticed that of all of the stuff they (you? I assume I shouldn't say "you" when addressing this) comes out with some good stuff and some bad stuff. I personally thought that this mediocre. I mean, the animation was pretty interesting (I liked those little beany things that jumped in the water) but overall it's just not my cup of tea.


Well I'm not a fan of RPG's (or point-and-click adventures really) but I can at least say it's very nice of you to include a walkthrough. Having medals not to mention having it associated with Cuboy (a great flash series) was great as well. I liked how this had all of the humor from a Cuboy thing. My favorite was when the guy said, "Press the space button (whatever that means)".

Not one of your best

I guess Hitler's head being around was kind of funny, but I couldn't really understand if there was any message to this. I noticed the black line going down the colored bars which I guess was supposed to signify the end of the song, but it just didn't do well. The noise at the end which is there while I'm writing this review is also a bit annoying.

Very impressive!

Woah! I was expecting something good, but not this good! I really liked the graphics (they just look, I don't know, so "official" to me, as if it's made by a well-known company). The sound was also very nice and I thought you had a lot of pretty interesting designs for the main guy and the enemy. It was funny how you could collect the coins, especially with how it felt so rewarding when you killed a harder guy and his blue energy turned into coins.

Pretty entertaining

I don't think it was much for a game, but I admit it was pretty funny to see those dumb-looking heads just show up and hit the same guy over and over again with that dopey music being played. I know this wasn't supposed to be anything serious, so I can just appreciate it for being a brief parody of RPG games in general as I'm not that fond of them anyway.

Takes getting used to

I really have to give you credit for making this. When I first played it, I was mad that I couldn't get anything done, that was until I was able to look at the description and of course see how to play it. I loved the CGI at the beginning and my only complaint was that I thought the whole game was going to have graphics like that. It's interesting to keep your mind up with the game and I think it works well as a study of hand-eye coordination and it's still nice to look at.

Nice game!

The design was pretty interesting. I'm the kind of person who is willing to not just look for a lot of great graphics and a lot of stuff going on, but more about how fun something is, and the ideas used. It was very fun to get those little things and step on those blue whatever-they-are. While it was difficult for me to find the secret areas, I think the biggest complaint was that it should have been longer. I think that this is an idea you could really go places with.

There you go again!

This is a great game even if it is hard to understand. I'm thinking that this could've been made more in the vein of something like, I don't know, I was just thinking of "Frogger or something while plaything this. While at least I was able to get a little far, it can get pretty difficult but it's very satisfying when you get to the next level at least.


Due to the fact that I'm using a computer, well, right now, I just like the concept of a computer within a computer, not to mention that one of the games on Newgrounds (in this thing) is a computer on a computer on a computer! It's always great to appreciate how much effort is put into the actual making of a computer and then applying it to your own talent! I thought the choice of flashes, games, pictures, etc. was very funny and it's truly something you can spend all day on, due to the fact that you can already spend all day on the Internet. Hee hee.

Archawn responds:

Hee hee clever.

Great game!!

Well, I wasn't able to beat the game, but I can at least say I enjoyed playing this a lot! I loved the support of guys like TomFulp, Krinkels, and MindChamber! This is undeniably the best Madness thing of 2009 and the best Madness game ever! I was feeling a little disappointed at first, as it just seemed like a long battle against a boss but was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be a heck of a lot more! I was thinking to myself how much I liked the "Madness Regent" game but wished there was a sequel with more medals and that's exactly what I got! Thank you for this masterpiece and Happy Madness Day now and forever!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

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