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Hey, not bad!

While not one of the best games I've ever played, I really have to give you a good score for creativity. This worked really well as a goofy game similar to "The Impossible Quiz". Like that one, I doubt I'm going to be finishing this any time soon. This may have been a little lowbrow (with the white background) but it was goofy enough to like.

Speyedur responds:

Thank's!!! and ya... i liked the idea of the impossible quiz i just wanted to make a game like that without a bunch of questions everyone has to cheat to figure out.. so basicly i wanted to make an impossible quiz without the questions

Very nice!

I really liked the graphics on this one (it looked almost like it was CGI) and it was a good way to continue an interesting concept. My only complaint was that it was just too hard! I mean, I swear I'm pressing the mouse again only for the shot to never even go anywhere! This at least worked well when I could get a level beaten in one or two shots.

Nice game

I admit that it did get a little montonous (just shooting over and over), but it was still presented in a very interesting way as it's really hard to go wrong when you have a game that's so straight-forward shooting over and over. I think my favorite was the level where the jetpack guys first appeared and they exploded when they died. It sure is harder to kill these guys than in regular Madness Combat stuff, but the ones at the start couldn't use guns, so I guess it evens out.

Arkuni responds:

Yeah. Without the customization, it would have been pretty bland and generic.

No understanding

Admittedly, I played this without reading your instructions but let me say it was still great! I really liked the page of just being on an actual computer within a computer as well as the graphs and stuff. I thought the game itself was great, as it pretty much played itself. Honestly, I didn't even do anything and just watched as the little green things went wherever and it was fun all the same!

Great game!

I thought that this worked great as a puzzle game. I'm always looking for new and innovative ideas here on Newgrounds and this is really something I haven't seen before and it works great! It was funny when those little shrimp things got in the way. The obstacles were well thought out well, although I admit that I'm stuck at the first level with the rocks. Still, it's good for your brain!

Pretty good

I'm not the biggest fan of dress-up games (I guess I just don't feel it gives you a lot of interactivity) but this one worked pretty well for what it was. You obviously show off a pretty good variety of stuff to choose from and the print button you could use was pretty convenient as well. The girl's design wasn't too bad either so good for you on the good points.

Not bad

I thought that this was pretty good overall. I was drawn into it, because the premise of a shooter taking place in caveman times was an interesting idea. It was nice how on the first level, you just had to remember where those three guys and could easily shoot them (and it still took me awhile to shoot them). The design itself wasn't much, and it was a bit monotonous but not bad overall.

A game?

I think this may in fact be the first game you ever submitted to Newgrounds! That being said, I wasn't that too impressedy by it. I mean, the graphics were really good, especially how I had no idea that little brown thing at the beginning was supposed to be me! It was however simply too difficult. Jumping over that guy in the blue clothes on the second level was simply impossible!


I couldn't even get that far, but I still had to appreciate all of the effort that was put into this! The way the missiles and how they exploded was very well done as was the overall design. This is a pretty complicated game, as it has many ways to summon troops and secret weapons you could entertain yourself by simply looking at it over and over!

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