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I'm a big fan of these games and I'm always eager to play when the next one comes out! Needless to say, this was a great game working well into making another chapter in this series! I really have to praise you for all of the crazy designs you have, especially for all the diferent enemies. While I'm pretty sure there's some weapons I'm not using right or something, at least with what I have I'm able to get past a lot of levels.

Like, wow

This has got to be one of the most surreal games I've every played! All in all, it wasn't a bad game, just very strange and hard to understand. It really took off when I found out I was able to use the "A" button to switch things. I have to give you props for having some pretty enjoyable environments to run away, and all of those custom games were very good.

Simply great!

Well, I just went and reviewed your "Stick War" game and loved it, so I was expecting something great from you and boy, did I ever get it! I thought it was very great as this was probably the best game (flash, maybe?) that had it where you chose the death of the character. I mean, this went ''beyond'' that and truly created its own world with a lot of great animation and tension that builds up to something great, not to mention an impressive way of showing people's other artistic values by including them in some awesome collab. It's great to see you, Miccool, and everyone else contribute to this!

Not bad

When I first saw this, I was thinking it may have been about how to draw seven cars (hence the title) but of course I've realized that it now means that it is the seventh in a series of tutorials. That being said, I can admire this for what it's supposed to be. I have never made any good drawings by myself and certainly none that I've ever submitted to places like Deviantart or even here. I think the tips for this were good and although they may not suit my ideals specifically, it's the thought that counts.

Aprime responds:

lol, thank you very much for this review
I hope it helped you to draw :D
Check out the other tutorials too.. if you haven't done so already


No supermodels?

I was never a fan of football (be it in real life or a game), so it was hard for me to get that absorbed into this, but I'm really glad I managed to at least play this for what it was. That being said, I was pretty impressed by the CG effects (I'm not saying it should be made in like every game here, but it's still a very nice touch) and the gameplay was a little interesting.

A great game!

I'm very impressed by this! The graphics themselves were very nice and so was the actual gameplay. I thought it was odd that I was just moving around (I thought maybe I had missed something in the tutorial, but I hadn't). While it wasn't an offensive game (you know, where you could actually shoot the stuff coming after you, which I'm more used to doing) it worked very well as a defensive game that really keeps you on your toes.

mofunzone responds:

Thanks man! :)

A fantastic game!

At first I thought it was going to be one of those RPG games which I'm not too fond of anyway, but I was eager to learn that it wasn't and it turned out to be a great strategy game! I would've loved this one even if you had simply had the cutscene at the beginning be the entire thing! Apart from having great graphics (it's amazing how much you can do with sticks), the gameplay is fantastic as well being able to summon all of those guys and have them all attack your opponent at once!

Admittedly, I'm stuck at the fourth level, but still fun all the way!

Not bad at all!

This is one of the many reasons I'm a big fan of you, Weasel! You manage to take something that seems pretty simple (robots shooting at each other) but add in a bunch of crazy stuff to it (having to go around to collect the metal scraps to buy upgrades was very interesting indeed). The graphics themselves were very nice and really worked well from the angle they were shot at.

Very nice!

I was never a fan of point-and-click games but this was still pretty fun to play. Yes, I'm going to admit that I went and looked at the walkthrough to get to (or at least near) the end, but I should still give you credit where you're due. I thought the graphics were very nice, and my favorite part was that creepy haunting music that always played giving the player a sense of fear.

ImpendingRiot responds:

Thanks, and that's fine with the walkthrough, the most important thing to us is you had fun

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