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Not too bad of a game

I'm going to admit that it was very interesting to have a bike game coming from that perspective (especially with the two lines that went everywhere). I think there may have been some error as I couldn't get this right away on the site. Anyway, while the graphics were good it did get pretty frustrating after awhile with all of those turns and stuff, but still nice.


Okay, I'm going to have to admit it was pretty fun to answer those questions and it certainly was a wake-up call to have that first question be that the blackbox is orange. I honestly had no idea! And I thought I was so good at trick questions! While the format may have been simplistic, it's still pretty fun to do and see how far you can get.

Those monkeys

I admit that the monkeys were drawn pretty nicely not to mention that while it took me awhile to understand the rules of the game, it was still pretty enjoyable. I will complain that there wasn't any sound. It would have been nice to have some sound effects or simply music. Still, it's a cute little game that can at least entertain you for a minute or two.

Very enjoyable!

It took me awhile to figure out exactly where the pizzas were supposed to be, but after that, I managed to take off and turly enjoy this for what it was! I liked the simplistic graphics which still worked well in the environment, and while I wasn't supposed to, it was fun running over pedaistrians and the idea of delivering pizza is a great concept for a game in the first place! Thank you, Adult Swim, for giving us these wonderful games on Newgrounds!

NIce graphics at least

The graphics are nice as always and I do really admire the way you put all of these tools right away at the beginning! The sound isn't too bad either, and I also have to praise you for giving a walkthrough video. The problem is, I'm just not that good at point-and-click games in general which I why I usually have to find tutorials or walkthroughs on how to do them. At least I had fun doing it when I knew what to do!

Psionic3D responds:

Thanks for checking it out and not just giving it a zero cuz its not your cup o' tea ;-)

Not bad

If nothing else, I was satisfied that I was able to fire the cannon in one shot on the second level. A lot of times, however, this game just got plain frustrating which usually happens anyway when I play games made by you. I was pretty impressed at the music seeing as how the graphics weren't all that interesting to look at. Besides, firing stuff of cannons is cool.

Great game!

I was very interested in finding out this had the same animation style as "Portal Defenders" (one of my favorite games) which would make sense seeing as how it's made by the same people.

Anyway, I was a bit disappointed it was just going against one boss in numerous forms but it was still very enjoyable! Luis makes a good boss especially when facing off against him in all those colorful forms.


This doesn't deserve the low rating it has, but I will say it wasn't that enjoyable. I have to give you props for having good graphics. It looks very professional! The idea of babies coming and going was simple enough, but a little too simple. I really didn't get much satisfaction just doing that, but I'm sure with more practice you could make a better game.

Not too bad

I appreciate you willing to resort to a more simplistic game to entertain people, but it did give off a bit of a feeling that you didn't put much effort into it, but I still appreciate the interesting live-action effects used.

Gee, I guess I was unfortunate. I got 1198 points when the requirement to pass was 1200, but it said I could pass anyway.

A good game!

While not one of my favorites, it really helps that I'm such a huge fan of zombie games or zombie stuff in general. It was very fun shooting and hitting those zombies over and over as usual, but the one thing I didn't like was that there should have been a better cracking sound made when you hit the zombies. Still, it's cool to see the points go up all the time.

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