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Good game!

While not one of my favorites, this was still a very enjoyable game, and it's great to be able to rack up on points. They favorite kill is definitley the sucidal bunny, as his explosion kills all the bunnies around him!

Great game!

I've always been a fan of the underdog in flashes and games on this website, so it is with great pride I give you a 10! Sure, this game got practically unbeatable as it went on, but the level design is very nice, not to mention how fun it was to shoot all those zombies! Getting weapons is always fun. It got to be impossible to protect so many people, so after awhile I just settle for protecting just one kid after awhile. Hey, I pass!

Awesome game!

I can't believe this has gotten so little recognition! It's a fantastic game! I loved the sketchy color effects and all the creative ways the blocks could be used to get fruit and stuff! This is extremely creative and you are an underappreciated creator!

You did it again!

On first sight, this game didn't look like much. The graphics were pretty simplistic, and it didn't seem like it took much creativity. But it was so FUN!! I just loved collecting the little dots and firing at everything! What can I say? I enjoyed this very much.

Amazingly underrated!

I loved this game! I loved the animation (the guy was CGI, but the rest of the game wasn't!), and it was simply fun getting jewels and jumping things in the standard formula of a platformer. I can't believe it hasn't gotten more recognition!

bsmart responds:

I'm glad you like it! ;)

Great game again!

I wasn't expecting much, but this turned out to be a really cool game! I'm glad you could advance to the next level without having to clear all of the blocks at least. It was also funny with how the blocks made those funny sounds when you got rid of them. I couldn't understand the point of this, but then again I really can't of many other games here or pretty much any computer game in general. It is worth playing, simply because it's so fun.

Great one again!

Sure, this game was extremely monotnous, but still a great time waster. I love it how it's so enjoyable just killing and blowing up those zombies over and over and over. The upgradable weapons were pretty sweet too.

Not bad!

This wasn't a great game, but it was still quite enjoyable. It helped that I'm so good at it! Hee hee. Anyway, this had some interesting designs and if it was a little too fast-paced (especially with the boss at the end) it was an interesting experience. Thank you.

FetusFulp responds:

the boss at the end was intended to be intense. i used a variable called boss_intense for that very reason :3



I guess it was fun, but it's too HARD!! I'm on this one level called "The Slip" and I've pushed every button and done every trick imaginable and it CAN'T BE BEATEN!!! My pointer finger is exhausted and I haven't even gotten by first medal yet!


I'm not a big fan of point and click adventures, so I wasn't really that interested to start, but that's just unfair to be a reviewer at least. I guess it wasn't that creative, at least not with the simplistic animation, but it did have its good points and creativity at least.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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