View Profile Ericho

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Nice tutorial

While I was not interested in reading every little thing, it's still a very useful game/flash. If I DO ever make flash one day, this would be a good way to start!

Girdf responds:

thanks. recommend this to the flash tutorial collection :)

Great game!

I was a fan of your website, so I thought it was unlikely I'd be able to see a game for the first time on Newgrounds. Let me just say that this was very well done. The graphics were great, as they had a 3D tone to them. While I'm a big fan of your flash, it was weird to see something so different from you, but it worked!

One question, how do you get past the green stuff? I killed every enemy, pressed X and Z, shot at it, but nothing worked!

A good piece of work

I was never a big fan of dress-up games (well, the ones without women anyway) but this was well done, with a huge variety of different things to choose from. This is the first time I've ever reviewed a flash that was under judgement. I do hope this gets saved!

My lucky day!!

Is it my lucky day or what? It's like all my favorite authors have flash/games on the main page! Anyway, this was a great game. I would know more about this as I took an IQ test that had some similarities to this game and I got a 142. While this sort of thing might not be categorized as "fun", it was still really good, because it of course made you think.

And what's better than that?

Creative, but a bit too simple

Man, I thought that was Metal Sonic at first (with the backside profile). The idea was simple, but a little too simple, but still enjoyable. The music probably saved the game.

One of the best games ever created ever!

After playing "Demonic Defence 3", I thought that there was just no WAY this could ever be surpassed. And yet you did it! Even for stick figures, the graphics are great, and the gameplay too, as it seemingly never ends. I'm sad that this is the last one, but you might as well go out with a bang! I haven't seen any games (or flash) from you lately. Please make some more! You're a great creator! Also, can you tell me whatever happened to Antitude Games? I haven't heard from that site in so long. Was it officially taken down or what?

Really good game

It's a fairly simple game that has the feel of old Mario games. The game is overall enjoyable, altough I couldn't get past the third level. All in all, although it's not an original idea, it was still very well done.

I could tell this would be good

Seeing what looks like Pedobear in the picture was a guarntee it would be something good! This was really fun, especially with all the different levels and ways to get destroyed. I will say the slow-motion was a little annoying, though.

Simple but good

While the design of the game may have been simple, this was still pretty fun to play.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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