View Profile Ericho

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That was actually really good. It was pretty pointless, but it didn't need a point. Now, if you could just make one with sound, I might give it a 10!


Looking back, it's somewhat disappointing to see games and flash from 2000 to 2001, as the quality has improved so much, but I can gladly say that this game has stood the test of time! Sure, it didn't have colorful effects, but it didn't need them. It is just a genuinely fun game where you take on a 3D experience (again, a rarity here on Newgrounds) and kill stick figures. I've always been a fan of yours, and it's nice to finally review something you made! I find it unbelievable this didn't win a single award! Nearly every review here is a 10!

I just want to know what exactly happened to you. You were one of the highest ranked artists here, but you haven't appeared in years. Where are you? Why don't you make flash anymore?

Pretty enjoyable

This may not have been the easiest or most likeable game, but the animation was good enough to make it pretty playable.

No awards?!

This game didn't win any awards? How is that possible? It's a great game! All in all, this was extremely enjoyable. The graphics were good, the gameplay wasn't too hard (I liked it how running out of time didn't mean you automatically lost), and it was just fun, hitting all that stuff and exploring the environment. I can see that this is your first game here, and I'm very happy to play it. Please make more, and I'm sure you will be recognized for the great work you've done!

Really good

I wasn't expecting much, but the game was easy to follow (I'm pretty good at it) not to mention that the character designs/use of sprites/use of live-action shots were well made. I had a good time.

As bad...

As bad it may seem, that wasn't actually bad. The design was very original, not to mention that I liked the song.


Okay, this didn't look like much, but I'm going to admit those "morphs" were great and original! I couldn't tell what was going on!

Really creative

This game used the same format as most of your others, yet it still managed to be really good. The concept is very original, and it's nice that you can ''shoot'' those guys, instead of having to blow them up, and even that's easy! Keep them coming.

Could be worse

Quite frankly, this was a bit of a disapointment. Your games are usually better than this. I would have liked more variety of enemies and better control. But it still had good graphics and pretty fun gameplay, so I'll give you that.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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