View Profile Ericho

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Best entry yet

I believe that this had the most artwork of any of the tour books, and it will probably be like always as more artists come to this website. Let me say this worked wonderfully well, as it's great to see all the styles and ideas that our greatest users on this web site have produced. Thank you also for mentioning their nationality. Maybe next year you could give their age.

First time

This the first time I've reviewed a flash (or game) that was the newest in coming to the portal, and let me say it was good! It helped that I'm such a big fan of cats and it was so cute overall. The best part is how your movement affects the movement of the people/obstacles. Very original concept. Good for you, and I sure hope this gets passed!

Megadev responds:

Thanks for the review - glad you like it! It's very hard to come up with anything completely original these days, but we can't think of any other games that use the same mechanism.



Nice job for a first game!

This was pretty fun to play. I didn't even realize you could attack the enemies at first! I would like to say that I wished there was more music. Still, it was a good achievement for a first game! You have some potential.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Yeah I havent made a game in a loongggg time.. but I am working on one right now!


I had to bring my Internet back up three times just to play one full level of this game! I guess this isn't used to Flash Player 10 or something.

I'm glad to say that it was pretty worth it. It was a stylistic game and had everything you could ever ask from a game like this. Maybe not the most creative, but still very good.

Really good!

This was a really well made flash. I know that (as your name suggests) you're known for flash cartoons, but this was a great game. You're not a very well-known artist, but this was an original concept and the animation was top-notch.

Good concept

The concept was pretty good, and it was kinda fun, but pretty hard to understand. Those sounds those things made whenever you clicked them got kind of annoying, too. I guess I just needed to practice more.

Could've been better

The use of sprites was good, but overall it was too difficult for me to play, as the controls were hard to use. Still pretty good.

Quite relevant

This may not have had much going on, but it was still a relevant flash. One thing I always want to know is how other countries are doing. I think that we, as Americans, need to acknowledge the existance of other countries and their high populations, and know that we are all part of this Earth and all contribute to the world in our own ways.

On one hand...

It did have great visuals, but there needed to be more going on. Still pretty good.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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