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The animation is fine

A lot of people are always looking for hidden meaning in stuff and there are sometimes just none at all. This is definitley an example. I do not even know what this has to do with "Street Fighter" other than that poop can be funny. As something is so short, it is hard to write a firm review for it, but I will at least try. It is too bad this did not make it into the collab, seeing as how you are a respected guy around here. In its rare form, it pretty much is absolute sh*t, which is also literal.

It gets better all the time!

I really enjoyed this one and think it is the best you have made (even though I have only seen two of your works). I think this one focuses more on gags which really work. I chuckled at the prescence of "Dwarf" being added to the planet "Pluto". The weirdest thing is that I actually was on the forums and I posted in this one topic about a guy who claimed there was a negative zero! It looks like you both got that joke at nearly the same time. I was expecting that joke about Iraq, but it was still funny.

Not with that shirt, you're not

I was hoping that this would be about a guy who was actually getting an interview for Larkmart. It was still pretty funny, especially with lines like his torpedo leaving the sub. I like how that guy looks like David Blaine and his arm can turn into a hot dog. I would know how difficult it can be to get a job in today's economy. I think this was one of the lesser entries, maybe because there could have been a bit more action. It was of course great how you referenced Newgrounds in the list of websites.

aasimpy responds:

thanks for watching, ericho, and for taking the time to write up a review. in an upcoming episode, there's more action and more mayhem - so keep watching!

I do seldom see these

I was disappointed at first, but I thought this was going to be a game. While admittedly I was a bit bored with the dialogue, it did get better as the action came on. It certainly had the graphics and the style faithful to the "River City Ransom" series. The character designs are not that great, but that was probably part of the part. I like how the music is just so cheery while the action is more serious. The funniest thing about thing is that while some were called dorks, they all kind of look like dorks to me.

A bit too long

I am first being introduced to this series and it is interesting to know that it was based on a comic. I especially like how you made fun of the haters at first. I mean, I am a guy who has made over 3400 reviews and I have never even bought Flash Player to animate with! Speaking of which, I thought the animation was still decent. It took a completely different turn than what the intro showed me. I will say it was a bit hard to listen to some of the dialogue, especially when Megatron was in the bar.

Very nice!

I could tell that you were heavily influenced by Vinnie Veritas. Anyway, this was great because it went in a completley different direction than what I thought it would! At first I thought it was just going to be a mundane flash about doing public service work or something. It really surprised me how it got into a giant space battle! I love the animation in this, especially the design of the red eyed tentacle monster appearing on top of the ship. Everyone here just seems to be really pleasant.

Pablo-M responds:

lolwut public service? haha
Thank you!

Very catchy

I love this song, because it seems like it is trying to imitate classic singing but with a non sequitor meaning to it. It seems like it has been awhile since I saw something of yours that was really good. I love the cartoony effects, especially with how the beginning and end is the same. The weird thing is that the robbers themselves kind of looked like voodoo dolls. Vince looked funny with that little cape around his neck. It is also cool how the Moon is so cartoonish and shows the end credit.

You're a d*ck, Willy

It is so funny to see Pedobear in a flash animation, although I did not even know there was more than one "Pedobear". The weirdest thing is how he did not even attack the guy who mentioned the six year old boy. This was completely unexpected and considering this is a series about spider powers, that is saying something. The animation is great as always. The notion of stick figures randomly transforming into women, spider people or pedophile bears is always funny. I always wanted to hear the voice of a Pedobear.

just2pale responds:

Thank you for the review..

And yes the bear now has a voice.

They have all been good!

I do seriously not know if I have ever given so many 10s to a single series before! This series does not try to have a ton of flashy stuff just for the sake of being flashy. I really got into these characters and what they were fighting for. It of course does help that this probably has some of the best action scenes in the entire series, especially the opening with those laser arms. I have to admit, that red robot is kind of cute. It gets all the comic relief it needs with the bee robot and his silly voice.


This was another great entry because it emphasizes on a new style of animation. I guess this is going to take a little getting used to, but it does seem more clear than the previous kind. Of course, this was funny even if it only revolved on one thing though the "fired" joke was great. People are always talking about the shark tank, but we never even get to see it. Yes, I was myself thinking about how crocodiles would be the better thing to put in. I even think they are in fact more likely to eat people than sharks are.

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