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I had no idea that Egoraptor worked on this one, but it does not surprise me at all. In my opinion, this was much better than the original one, which was extremely popular in its own right. I think the funniest part might be when the bomb said the Universe was destroyed by anal retentive mothers around the world. At this point (I think?) Majin Buu had already killed everyone on Earth, so it would not matter if he took it over or not. There are just simply gags after gags after gags, and it is hard to even name a few. I do in fact really notice how everyone's dead at this point, of course.

Daily Feature?!

Aww, dude, you still have Weekly 3rd Place, but I think you lost your DF award somehow. What matters is that you at least still have recognition for making something so great. It helps that the song is so great, any story that goes with it works. I would not compare this to something like Xiao Xiao as it is not a stick flash. You worked hard to put real depth into the animation and the action. I love how the red blood occasionally shows up against the black and white, kind of like in the Madness series.

Am I getting laid?

While you did not create the audio, it still remains as perhaps the funniest cartoon released in 2003. I love how serious these people sound and how ridiculous the one drunk guy sounds. It is a great tribute to 8-bit Theater, if that is what you were aiming for. I can totally see these sort of things happening in real life. It is one reason why I will probably never get into Dungeons and Dragons, not that I would even have enough friends to work on it. The sprite animation is also great with the talking.

The true All Your Base/Clock Crew flash

Many people have tried to combine various Newgrounds memes, but this is just one that takes the cake. It is a perfect tribute to two of the most popular things on Newgrounds. It has a lot more action than the typical AYB flash, because it actually has these guys moving along. I love the animation as well, and how these characters are just so smoothly drawn. I think this is perhaps one of the best drawings of Tricky The Clown I have seen too. The images shown are very creative and spontaneous.

So freaking funny

This is without a doubt the best thing you have ever made and it always made me kind of sad this was never turned into a series. The strongest point of this cartoon is how it is simply just punchline after punchline after punchline. I think the funniest of all might be "And men wonder why they have nipples!". It is simply so cartoonish it seems like a recent "Looney Tunes" cartoon. It also helps that the animation is also great and transitions wonderfully. There is so much going on you can not help but laugh at everything.

Great stick stuff

I am even starting to think that this is not even a stick flash in the strictest of terms, due to the fact that the characters seem to have too full bodies to be stick characters. I think this was also the first submission ever to win Weekly 5th Place. While it may not be the most famous, it is still a milestone in Newgrounds history. There are so many places that the characters go in this and it is so great, I can see why it took you so long to make the next part. Whether it be blood splattered, dragons or people being cut in half, there is always something unpredictable going on. The variety is just great.

How spiritual

This is a fantastic submission and it makes me sad that you have not done anything new, seeing as how you have so many experience points. The music is soft and just fun to listen to on its own. I have indeed heard of "chi" or "qi" before, and this is one of the best ways to express it. The animation is fantastic and I love the CGI effects and 2D animation. There is just so much going on you could not help but be absorbed in it. It details a great journey across the world and in our minds searching for meaning.

Very creative!

I think this is one of the best animutations because it is radically different than any of the other ones. You use characters and themes like Dan Hibiki and Tom Fulp, which are surprisingly absent from other flashes. I do not know the song, but it is by someone named DJ Otzi, which as it says on the "Additional Audio" part of the page. There are just so many effects going on, whether it is with sprites, real photos, short gifs, or original drawings. I wish I could tell what language this is, I think it might be Swedish. These kind make me think this stuff was the ancestor of YouTube Poop.

The best!

It is interesting to still believe that this is the best in the "Grim Reaper" series even though it is the first. The animation is very impressive, especially with how you dealt with the Grim Reaper's appearance. It was just great for you to address all of those different religions. I just love how he reacts to everybody and how they react to him. I guess the best case scenario for me in this situation is to be reincarnated. You manage to make fun of all kinds of people in this one, which is always nice.

Very classy

There have been some tributes to silent movies, and this is by far the best one on this website! What is so awesome is how the flash manages to have so many contrasting styles. It is not just the animation with the wolf, but also the music and yelling. Having the final pig say, "That's all folks" at the end is just the icing on the cake. Even the goofier animation that is the norm of the style is wonderfully done. It just has enough things in it to be something I would give a "5" to; love the "Psycho" reference.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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