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Very funny

"Avatar" is such a popular movie, I was just waiting for someone to make a flash parody of it. It's also fitting it would be from you, being one of the most famous parody guys on this website. The animation was as great as ever, and I've always enjoyed it. I think you did in fact bring up a really interesting point that a lot of people didn't think of. Also, at this point in the movie, she didn't know Jake was from Earth, so she would have been surprised he said that. Still, I'm probably being too nitpicky and this was a very good cartoon that worked well in its briefness.

Not terrible

It was pretty funny to see that live-action face superimposed on that cartoon body. Some of the movements were in fact, quite well done. I think it's funny how everyone working on this has the name of a dictator (well, most of you anyway). I thought it was odd how you used Christmas music, and I did watch this unfortunately shortly after Christmas. It would have been nicer if it could have been longer. You could also work on jokes, as I couldn't find many.

Very well done!

I was indeed quite impressed at how this managed to have a reference to every single entry in the Madness Combat series. It was great to see all of those guys in the same place. My only complaint is that the animation did seem a little goofy at times. Still, this had all of the action you would want in a Madness Combat flash. It was also funny how you ended with the moral of not making fun of clowns. The music was also very cool and fast-paced and fit the theme quite well.

RazorShader responds:

Thanks :D
And I know what you mean about the sometimes goofy animations ;)


Wow, I am on a role today in terms of seeing the best stuff this website has to offer. I enjoyed every minute of watching this, and couldn't help but be drawn in by the deep storyline. You didn't just have some great action scenes, but you had real character development. There is dimension in everybody's voice and will (I would just love to do a voice in this thing!). The sprite work is done pretty masterfully as well. I knew that if I watched this long enough, I was going to give a 10 to an entry in it.

This has everything you could want in a great cartoon and more. I just want to thank everybody for all of the effort and emotion that was truly put into this masterpiece.

How cute

I think it was nice just how adorable this turned out to be! At first, I thought this was just going to be a lame prank flash, but it turned out to be much better. I doubt I'll audition for voice acting in this, due to the fact that there seem to be no male characters. I just thought it was so cool how the characters were drawn, with their nubs as arms and no mouths. I could have sworn that was Rei, instead of Yuki at the end. It could have used some music and some more jokes, but it was still recommendable.

Great battle!

We have certainly come a long way with all of the stick flashes and the like that we have made on this website. This really does remind me of the "Xiao Xiao" series, even if it wasn't as good. I wasn't all that impressed at first, but it really got better. I was especially impressed at how the characters seemed to have a lot of depth. It was 2D, but the way everyone moves works so well, like when the guy is thrown through the window. It had everything you could want in a modern (or any age) stick flash.

How nice of you

I admit that the animation wasn't really nice to look at, and it really needs work in terms of detail. However, I still have to recommend this for viewing simply because of the story it tells. It's always great to hear lesser known atrocities in human history that we should be more aware of. I am a big history fan myself, so it was interesting to hear about this. I am glad this has managed to be high rated because of the message it sends. The information was put in a fairly clear format too.

Great style!

I was expecting some sort of boring thing with two guys talking. I am quite glad it was nothing like I thought it was going to be. My biggest complaint is that the animation could have been better, but you probably weren't aiming for the best. It tells a dark tale that starts with black and white rabbits in a field. I don't know why the people are spitting at each other (it's pretty gross) but it's still pretty absorbing. This appears to be a very interesting series that has a ton of original stuff.

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