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Here we go again!!

I could've sworn I had seen something like this on another website. It was fantastic in every sense of the word and I knew it was only a matter of time before the Asian girl showed up. I absolutely loved the message this cartoon sent about peace. The art shift into CGI was wonderfully done as well. I had no idea what was going on, but the use of photographs was flawless and powerful as well! We need more people like you, who use different techniques and styles to show how we are truly all of the same planet and must work together to overcome our problems!

Not terrible

I know this was submitted on Clock Day and was obviously intended to be more of a joke flash. I didn't really understand this well, as the animation wasn't too good. I guess the cheesiness added a little to the enjoyment, but overall it needs work. You should experiment with different color techniques to make the backgrounds different. Who exactly was that Auron guy supposed to be? I could've sworn he was a character from "Kingdom Hearts" or something like that.

diogoshx responds:

it was a joke flash, the animation was very simple to understand, not to much efects, not to much smokes,
this was like a Simplistic animation with nothing more, but most people like it fact, the background i admit is hard to work with him,

Auron was A little TRIBUTE to one of my best games Kingdom Hearts,

some people may think this is dificult to understand, but the original language of this flash is portuguese!

And i did this animation, a loong ago, tks you have more questions?

That was quite different

In terms of DBZ parodies, I'm used to stuff that makes fun of how they fight and stuff. I was surprised to see Krillin and Master Roshi as the stars, but it's unique at least! The animation was very nice, giving off a lot of good body exaggerations, especially when Master Roshi was screaming. This was very silly as everything just happened for no reason. They were in a cave, then Vegeta showed up, then they died, and it just happened. At first I thought the sign said, "Ce Etar", but now I realize it was missing the "M" and "Y" to spelled out "Cemetary".

vlaktemaat responds:

thank you for taking the time to give a nice review :D

I like it!

This reminded me of the old ways of using flash (with the mouths) so it was nostalgic in that it reminded me of websites like Ebaumsworld. I was expecting a dark cartoon from the title screen. I was still very impressed at what I got to see, even if I couldn't recognize the tune. I also thought it was funny how a woman's head exploded at the end. I was just doing some homework on the psychology of aging. I'm glad I saw this as a sort of conclusion to my hard work.

It's cool to learn your real name

I loved the custom-made castle logo at the beginning. I was especially impressed at the animation in this; in fact, I think it may be the best animation you have ever put out into a flash cartoon. I thought this was going to be something action-like at first and while it did have action, it was more comedy. I couldn't quite get into the characters that much, but it was still great. The funniest part was probably the cameos by the villian cameos. There was also a lot of great voice work, as I couldn't tell it was done by the same guys.


I think the bonus animation (making fun of Hulu) was better than the actual cartoon. This isn't to say this cartoon didn't have a lot of great things about it it in its own right. I'm no sports fan, but it's a good idea to show the ball transforming to reflect the different kinds of sports. I especially like the animation that was used in the design of the ball. Of course, the animation (and music) for everything was very nice. I didn't quite get the pokemon thing, but this was still awesome.

Here I go again

It seems like it's seldom to never that I see a Peanuts flash cartoon being submitted here and let me say I loved every second of it! I was honestly the biggest "Peanuts" fan ever when I was a kid and I still collect the books. I was just disappointed they didn't appear more in parodies but I'm glad to find out that I'm wrong! I simply loved the animation in this one. The Peanuts cartoons have fairly easy to draw animation, yet you put up the body movements simply perfectly! It's great to see work by people named Flash-Beagle and The-Real-Joe-Cool. I can't wait for the next installment!

It was simply okay

I don't know why this has such a low rating. I mean, the animation could've been a lot better (although it was by no means horrible) and it may have used a punchline (not that it was supposed to). It was a little cool to see the cassettes go around and attack people. At least you wanted to get an important message across to us all. I find it very interesting that you were able to work on this station with nothing but flash cartoons. It has the potential to be good, you just need some better animation.


I'm no great researcher, but this seemed to be more of praising clocks than mocking them. I thought the background was pretty cool with all those colors. I couldn't quite understand what they said, "Clock Crew Does You", was it? It was interesting to see the different kinds of clocks and even though it was an infinite loop, it was like there was always something new to see! It's fun to praise all of the people who've helped you. It may not have been that innovative, but this was pretty enjoyable.

Great stuff!

I remember first watching another part of this and was quite impressed. It looks as though you have truly outdone yourself! This is some of the best usage of simple color (without shades) that I have ever seen! All the motions are done wonderfully and I loved how there was an explanation for what went on, as I was confused by 786 years passing. I look forward to seeing the next chapter in this series and hope you get the recognition you deserve. Robots in the future may not seem like that much of an original idea, but it's wonderfully done here!

vezanmatics responds:

OMG thank you so much for this great review! The next chapter of Alphie's story is on its way, and it's probably going to be ten times better than this, I hope. I also hopefully won't have to include a massive explanation, as the next one has more dialogue and the story speaks for itself. Anyway, thanks!

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