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Seven years?

Well, I really have to appreciate you for coming back with this after such a long time. You were one of the first clocks and it has been awhile since I saw anything from you. For some reason, I was thinking this was going to be a Matrix parody with the title, but it was more James Bond. Donald Duck looked really funny in this one, especially when he came out of the woman's mouth in different versions like being golden. It could've used more randomness like in an animutation.

Not too good

I admit that it was pretty funny to see that clock's arms (meaty!) but it didn't do much for me. It was pretty much just the same image shown throughout the whole thing and I couldn't even understand what it is they were singing. For the record, I did go through and watch it all the way to the end, so even though I didn't like it, I showed you some courtesy.

That was weird

Ah, I wanted to see some violence, you know with her getting shot and stuff, but anyway I guess this was okay. The voice work was just fine and I did think some of the conversations were pretty funny, like when the boy thought it was done when the woman said to "grand his theft auto" and how he was a "Pokemon" fan. The pedophilia did turn me off (heh), though.

It's great!

Happy Madness Day 2009 (a little early)! I must say, it was very strange to see a female character in Madness Combat, has that ever even been done before? I really like how the violence escalated like any other Madness flash, and the enemies he fought against (especially the Sun and the giant man) were funny to see and kill (for him). The switching of music was also an ingenius touch. It feels like it's been a long time since I've heard that song!

Uh, not bad!

Well, I'm a huge fan of Madness Combat and it's flash tributes and I can thank you for showing me the first ever MC flash for Madness Day 2009! I thought it could've used more action, but I thought it was really funny when the guy's face turned red. This also happens to be my first year anniversary and it makes me proud to look back at all the great stuff I've seen on this website and continue to see!

Not bad!

Well, I'm not the biggest pirate guy (I'm more into the ninja, truth be told) but I enjoyed this! I think my favorite was probably Tman's, because of all the great action. Is there anything TommyVF has worked on that MarcyVF hasn't as well? Anyway, I thought this was an original idea for a collab, you'll just never run out of ideas for those.

Bertn responds:

Thanks for the review ! :D


While there wasn't really any movement going on, it was still a very nice song to listen to at least. I like that song and didn't even know it was around until I heard Weird Al Yankovic's parody of it (Amish Paradise) so it struck me as funny someone else made another parody of it. The drawn images were pretty good in themselves too.


I wasn't entertained by that. While the thing at the beginning was good (the graphics) I know you can do better. Just try harder. I thought that your first parody of Brawl Tauns was better, even if it was in fact just a commercial. The negative of Princess Peach was kind of funny to look at and it was an interesting use of audio (not that I knew where it came from).

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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