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I was expecting this to be longer. Well, you did take an iconic scene. The ice cream bar bit's still my favorite. I'm surprised there were no credits. Then again, you already listed everyone here. We do that all the time now.

I think 1:58 might have been my favorite. It was the most creative. Rewatching bits, I can appreciate how unique it is. I always want to learn about new innovative animators here. While short, still great.

I have to admit I thought this was underwhelming. I mean, what did it really have to do with anything? I was expecting a song with lyrics. Well, it was unpredictable at least. My favorite part was the different animation styles. I just didn't like the live-action parts.

The thing at the end could have had more for it too. Well, everyone else loves it! I just expected more with so many people credited. Happy Daily Feature for the New Year! I guess we're back to everything having a 4.20 again.

Of course, I've never heard these terms. I'm bad at learning new languages anyway. I have to know how child friendly some terms are. None of them seem like the equivalent of something like "bottom". Damn, Zone-tan is vomiting a ton! Even you are support the ChangeTheChannel movement.

You always have great animation. Happy New Year 2022! Oh, it just got discontinued today! Well, we'll always find a way to get stuff that appeals to our fetishes. I guess I'm glad it's been awhile since you've made a clear hentai cartoon.

That was quite short, but boy did it get its message across! I'm surprised there's no New Year's Eve related stuff today. I'm glad I'm not a furry. Except for Rouge. Maybe Krystal too. The animation is great here too.

Happy New Year! You're still kind of cute for an animal thing. I just don't understand their costumes. I knew you'd say something bad. I'm glad it wasn't too vulgar.

In my opinion, this was better than the other one. I'm actually glad I watched this one second! I would have been disappointed by the third part. How fortunate it is for you to have the two main awards won! Happy New Year's Eve! Well, whatever the holiday may be.

I'm glad I understand the third part more. I love the intro with the animals. I can appreciate the animation so much more! I've never seen a disclaimer like that here before. That's very noble of you.

I admit that I never got into "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure". It looked like gay porn. I still enjoyed this. It also reminded me of gay porn. You know, with the dick being cut off. That's circumcision gone horribly wrong.

I definitely recognized the style. We'll probably have a "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" collection coming up eventually. This was certainly authentic to the style of the show. I guess maybe it could have used more action. It was indeed bizarre.

Merry belated Christmas! I have to admit that the Gummy Bear is drawn perfectly. He always looked like he had a beard. I knew it would get violent. Most of your cartoons are. Thanks for the great concept art you showed us too!

I didn't think this was great. You've done a lot better stuff. This was still a funny little cartoon. Merry belated Christmas! Yeah, it can be hard to catch up with all the great Christmas cartoons released this year.

Wow, that was freaking amazing! I actually got an e-mail when this was finished when I commented on the trailer. Well, I was amazed that a simple trailer could lead into something so fantastic! I especially loved seeing the animation bumps. It was hard to tell when one thing became another. A lot of them seemed similar.

That isn't bad by any means. If nothing else, it shows you guys were able to imitate each other so well. I found myself rooting for this guy too. A pity the girl he wanted to be with was a lesbian. Well, now he can see them together. It wasn't Christmas related, but still amazing!

Yeah, I knew something dark would happen. Merry Christmas to you! This looked like something from eddsworld at first. Maybe it's just because they submitting something now too. I had a great Christmas. The animation seemed kind of unique for you.

I'm just so used to seeing Yotam and Fantasia. We need some New Year's cartoons. Hey, don't advertise for YouTube here! Oh well, this is everything by everyone. I should've known it was lighter fluid.

I don't know what boxing has to do with ants. I liked this, but not nearly as much as most people. I'm sorry to have lowered the score! We can get into New Year's by now! This was fine, but I can see how it started as just a gif. Gifs are always better with sound though.

Well, there was a present involved. I guess you could consider it related to Christmas in some way. There was definitely some good animation. It just wasn't quite enough for a full cartoon. That's just me, I guess.

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