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Hmm, this didn't technically have anything to do with Christmas. I do love seeing how cute these girls are now! Um, not that I'm into them that way. It was as good as any Eddsworld cartoon. This seemed like it was an April Fool's Day cartoon. I know it's the day after Christmas.

Well, we can celebrate winter any time of...winter. This had some really cute voices too. It's just nice to see girls in your cartoons! The voices were adorable. Merry uh Christmas I guess.

That kid in the commercial sounds like Kirbopher. It's such a shame he's no longer around. Dude, I don't think I've ever seen a cartoon this highly rated with a 4.91! This isn't even a Christmas cartoon to get Daily Feature! Well, we all need some variety and Merry Christmas anyway! This was wonderful with the animation. I have so many favorite cartoons it's hard to keep up with them all, but I have been able to keep up with them.

It's even weirder for a Halloween cartoon to get featured for Christmas! Well, "The Nightmare Before Christmas" is one of my favorite Christmas movies. I'm glad it didn't get too violent. I know it's like "Child's Play", but I'm reminded of all the evil toy movies I've seen. It was weird to see this thing as a toy seeing as how it's as big as the main characters! It isn't my favorite cartoon, but a perfect one anyway.

Wow, I counted 24 segments! There were 48 people listed. I guess in terms of animation/voices, it's the same. I even loved the credits. I'm glad they didn't go on forever. I was thinking there might be 48 segments.

I just didn't want to see how long it was to find out for myself. I'm not going to review every individual upload. Merry Christmas to all the people who worked so hard on this! littlbox was probably my favorite, because bring back Numa Numa! Dude, people who hate all religions like Christmas, so Jews certainly can.

Merry Christmas, dude! This has been my favorite submission for Christmas! Even the thumbnail's awesome! I just watched the Rudolph cartoon for the first time last night. I really had no idea she sincerely loved him. That was surprisingly heartwarming!

This was actually pretty faithful to the cartoon. I was thinking that he would be easy to shoot in the air. I mean, his giant glowing nose would make him easy to see! I thought the title would be "Rudolph finally gets to second base". I guess he didn't. The animation is fantastic and Merry Christmas!

I loved seeing that part at the end. Merry Christmas to you! I loved how it was all in one shot. Hey, you even had a Christmas tree in the title! I wish I knew how to do that. I wish I knew how to make good cartoons.

The logo makes you look like John from "Homestuck". It was short, but simple. That's how a good Christmas celebration should be. I appreciate the animation of course. It's cute as always.

Merry Christmas indeed! I am glad he got what he wanted. Well, I guess not quite but still a wonderful cartoon. Damn, if only I was a furry! I would give it a perfect score if I was. I wish Rouge the bat would appear.

Hey, I thought Santa was the one you asked for presents! Blah blah blah, he's like God. This animation was fantastic. A lot of us can associate with this. There was a joyful message indeed.

I love that little thing at the end. The best part about this is the guy's voice. I mean, it just seems so authentic! I'm glad this didn't get too violent. I really thought you were going to mention something really bad happening to the kid. I hope this isn't based on a true story. Well, at least not involving someone YOU know...

I liked the projector-like images at first. I really liked the backgrounds in this. I never got into BB guns. Eh, my folks would never let me have one. I'm glad it was that same kid.

AustinKimmell responds:

Thanks so much! I was so glad to bring my grandfather into this and have him voice it

I admit that gag went on too long. The best part was the animation. It seemed like something from poxpower. I just wanted to see them get all eaten up. I did kind of see that joke coming. Merry Christmas Eve!

I liked seeing the black pixels. It just made it seem authentic. I'm glad to see my first Christmas submission today! I love the gif you have. It's less than a minute long, so nothing's really spoiled.

I knew the score would be high. It's a great cartoon right from the beginning. I loved the usage of pictures for dialogue. Even the title's cool! The animation is obviously amazing. You have a very distinct drawing style.

I'm glad I'm not attracted to these pictures. If anyone is, that's fine for them. It even has a nice happy ending. Three minutes was a good running time. You seem to have invented new species for this.

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