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This was certainly well animated. I just didn't think it was that good because I didn't understand it. Was there supposed to be some underlying message I was unaware of? It was especially weird with the birthday cake guy. Why was his head a birthday cake? There just seemed to be no reason.

I liked the music. It seemed like the two stories weren't related. What does the cake have to do with boxing? I guess it was fairly creative. It isn't really for me.

I was surprised I could even find a cartoon with this generic a title. I have no idea why the other match was green. Was it supposed to be a plant thing and not a match? It was weird to see a match with boobs at the end. I really do love the animation. The music is fantastic as well.

The best part is how you take something so simple and make it cool. It really is quite original. I've never even heard of matches fighting. I guess you could call it a match match, get it? Yeah, that was stupid.

RIP sir. It's pretty easy to find the Easter Egg. You just need to click on the Sobe bottle the first time you see it. I guess this was a time where Randy was making quickies like this. I personally find his longer stuff to be better. It's overall pretty funny.

It just seems a step down from the Rise Of The MK. It's still nice to hear this funny voice. The sprite work is quite nicely well. We really do miss this guy. He often had original things.

I feel so bad that this series never went anywhere. It's the most viewed review on all of Newgrounds! There are just so many things you can do with reviews nowadays. They're all the rage on other websites. This was quite enjoyable. I think "Robot Chicken" stole a gag from you!

There was an episode with a sketch that showed an alien and predator playing chess! The animation was quite good. I personally give this movie ** out of ****. I agree with you on most points. I rarely see animated reviews at all!

I have never played Half-Life. I am aware of how amazingly critically acclaimed it is/was. I am even familiar with these characters. I am just so familiar with these parodies, I know a lot already! I knew that Gordon didn't talk. This was fairly good, but could have been better.

I felt the animation wasn't that great. It was still decent. I don't know if there's a Half Life Three out by now. There probably is, as I don't keep up the games. There could have been more music, too.

I think this is one of the better episodes. I just liked how it wasn't violent. I'm sorry, but this series isn't really for me. I do like how you were trying to be more philosophical here. The animation is pretty good. The animation is also pretty nice.

It actually shows a good slice of life story. It came off as more ambitious. It just made more sense. It does make you want to see future stuff. I still would not quite recommend it.

I found this to be quite enjoyable. The best part about it was the animation. You showed such great style with the black and white stuff. It's less cartoonish in those parts. I am glad it was divided into parts. It did seem a bit too long at times.

It was great to include all the extra stuff. It really was like a DVD! Wow, I am just reminded of the days when not everyone had one of those. The colors are nice and vibrant. Even if the black and white stuff didn't have them, it's still nice to look at.

I had no idea this was a Counter-Strike cartoon. I feel bad about not seeing more cartoons about them here. That music just never gets old. I never realized until now that it says, "Spill your thoughts" at the top of the review. I've written over 14,000 of these! The animation was quite good.

I just think it was too short. You could have just made it one longer cartoon. It's still worth looking at. The action is nice and fast paced. It's just enjoyable.

I admit that the animation could have been better. It's easy to tell that the skulls were just photocopied in that one scene. I still generally enjoyed this. The weirdest thing was probably how it kept showing that green heart monitor in the middle. It got a bit distracting. I guess I'd prefer it if my songs had words.

This was still pretty creative. It's great that you animated what you visualized. I do that sometimes with all the songs I review. The man is drawn pretty well. It's perfectly passable.

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