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At first, I thought I would not be fooled into thinking the menu wasn't part of the cartoon. It really wasn't! The fantastic animation completely made this. It was great to have Link be silent. It manages to be great as a parody while being faithful to the games. I didn't need to see Navi up close and naked.

You show such great expressions with Link. It's just great to see all these characters. I feel bad for not playing modern Zelda games. This can be enjoyed by anyone though. Oh yeah, my own avatar, duh.

I didn't quite like this enough to recommend it. It was generally funny. It was weighed down by the animation. It really looked shoddy a lot of the time. The colors could have been better too. It's still a decent effort.

I think it might have gone on too long. It wasn't that complicated of a story! The voices were fairly funny. Is that the same zebra? It just needs to be flashier.

I personally didn't find this as good as most people. It's still quite enjoyable. Egoraptor hadn't even gotten a video of his own out yet! The animation is quite nice. The best part is probably where Snake mentions Otacon's twin. Some of the animation did seem a bit off.

I do enjoy this because the good definitley outweighs the bad. The jokes are pretty unexpected. I guess I just am kind of tired of these parodies. I feel so dumb for never having played any of the games. Of course I recommend it!

I have seriously never seen a flash with a score of 4.73. It would be a crime against humanity for me not to love this. Luckily, I do! It makes me realize how prolific you are. I am really glad to be a part of this community! There were just too many funny moments to count. I think my favorite would be the arguing over the Dick name.

The flashback with the father was great too. I look forward to seeing more in the series. The animation and voices are as great as ever! I personally like the toothpaste strap on the most. It's just so distinct. It's just awesome.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

5 stars from Ericho! *fistpump* glad you liked it!

Well, I think this probably is the best in the whole series! It's great when finales do that. It was really hard to understand. I feel bad for not following the plot more. This did end a bit prematurely though. It's still great to see these beautiful colors.

The voice(s?) is great. You have created an amazing world. There's just so much going on. Even the main menu is cool! This really does have something for everyone.

I really do miss these cartoons. It's sad how some people just vanish. I'm glad you don't end it too soon. It's really nice just to see how crazy things go. The colors are great, especially with the piƱata. They contrast with the more dull colors seen later.

I don't know how valuable money is there. I love how all these characters have lots of spunk. Do I ship those two at the end? Some of these characters will inevitably end up with each other. Even the title's done in a cool manner!

Wow, I had no idea this would come back! What a series fauxnale! It's really hard to surpass something labeled as "Final Step". Then again, "Friday The 13th" did it TWICE. It's just great to see this series back again after eight years! I always want people to be active.

I have no idea what this will be about. You don't even show anything here! I'm glad you showed stuff from the previous episodes. It really does get you hyped up. The animation and characters look as fantastic as ever.

It was tons of fun to see this! It reminds me of the cartoon "Robots Are Stupid". This wasn't quite as good because it probably should have had some dialogue. I still love how you depict this robot so well. It reminds me of that miniseries. That was the Syfy channel, right?

The animation was great. It was nice how you set up a story in this. I guess this robot had to feel something. I guess the tin man wasn't technically a robot. These two seem to have the same desires, though.

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