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Dude, that was fricking amazing! I was really wondering why it had an amazingly high rating. It completely deserved it! I was just amazed at how beautifully animated this was. I think this might be THE best CGI I have ever seen on this website! Every single scare worked!

I really just wanted it to keep on going! The voices were fantastic too. This will, without a doubt, win Daily Feature! Everything is just so wonderfully real in this! It even worked well as a comedy cartoon. Brilliant!

I feel bad that this actually happened to you. No, I feel bad for HER. It's great that you can use this website to express yourself. I don't want to do any real life shipping here. She does seems like a nice girl. I like the name.

It's something my mom always said to me. She's extremely religious. The artwork is wonderful too. I hope everything works out for you and her. Again, you can just be friends.

I admit that this didn't seem that good at first. The sprite work seemed too up in your face for my taste (rhymes, hee). I really loved the songs the pokemon made. It was just great to hear Squirtle's of all. His sunglasses remind me of Kamina. The voicework was flawless.

In today's society, at least one of these guys had to be a stoner. There was definitely emotion in the voices. It was great how you set it up. The songs really build up on each other. Hurray for Pokémon!

A bit too short, but it still got is message across. Everything is just speculation for the movie at this point. Patton Oswalt's crossover idea was better. I do kind of miss "Lost". Damn, J. J. Abrams has a hell of a lot of credentials. Jar-Jar Binks was genuinely scary.

I guess that's appropriate for him. It was nice how you depicted George Lucas as the sensible one. You don't see that a lot. The animation was pretty good. Oh, it is 2015!

Wow, that's such a beautiful cartoon. It was made all the more impressive by how it had no dialogue. You just let the fantastic animation tell the story entirely. I had no idea it was going to end like that. Well, I guess it just works out like that sometimes. That's reality.

Although they didn't talk, they had a lot of personality. It was even more of their actions and not so much their facial expressions. I guess it was just a friendship that was never meant to be. I love it when works just tell it like it is. I loved it!

Wow, that was surprisingly dark and serious. It really did send an interesting message. I 190% agree that there are all these people with resumes. My brother has gone through Hell getting a job. We probably ALL are! The music was great too.

I really did feel genuinely bad for what had happened to this guy. He even seems to have a pretty reasonable boss. You usually make funny cartoons. This was something different and it worked very well. I'm glad you made it.

This is one of the best cartoons I've ever seen! It's mostly because the ending is so awesome! I thought it was just going to be a typical kind of ending. He would find his calling with Super Smash Bros. Well, technically he did, but not in the way he wanted. The fact that you kept it good for so long was just awesome!

The animation is great too. I think RicePirate has replaced Tom Ato as the most prolific voice actor here. It's sad to see him like that. Hey, we found out what his first name is! It's just great how you keep going with this. I love it!

At first, I thought this would be something where you selected two movies in the beginning. I guess I'm glad it wasn't. The highlight here is how good the animation is. It really helps that you create this awesome world. The Keaton looks like Pikachu. Yeah, I know I've seen that design before.

For its brevity, you do get a lot of things put in. All of the creatures are quite creative. Oh, it was about Zelda. Damn, I feel stupid. Well, it's a very fun cartoon with lots of good people working on it with great animation.

This was a really gorgeous cartoon! It's weird, because I thought it was going to be a comedy. I guess it's just because Link looked so cartoonish and I'm not talking about Toon Link. Still, it really is a great cartoon. The animation with the blue dragon is just wonderful. It's great to hear that music.

I guess this was the last great cartoon of 2012. It worked well for how short it was. I guess I had no idea what was going on. We need serious cartoons of course. Boy, are those bombs cool.

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