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Woah, this was probably ZONE-SAMA's best cartoon yet! It's neat to know that isn't actually ZONE-SAMA there, but ZONE-tan. Those tans are becoming more mainstream. I had no idea BennettTheSage from TGWTG worked on this! It figures, absolutely EVERYONE is associated with TGWTG nowadays. The voices were great as before.

I guess I kind of like his non porn stuff more. I'm not that big of a pervert to enjoy his rape material. I think the only downside to this was the Stamper gag going on too long. At least it was nice to have a guest voice like him! Congradulations on your Daily Feature.

It didn't even seem like there were that many characters in this! I am amazed by the fact that every single one of them had a different voice actor! It's stuff like that that makes me realize how professional flash animation can look like. I'm ashamed of myself, I should have recognized Kirbopher's voice. The animation, as always, was completely fantastic. With the huge number of people working on it, it seems like a major Hollywood production!

Too bad no one likes my voice. Anyway, I thought it was pretty interesting how the robot actually went through some character development. The bits with the sand worm were probably the most awesome parts. This really is going to turn into a full fledged series! I'm so glad so many talented people are working on it.

I thought this was really cool. I admit that I didn't really like it at first, because it didn't make much sense to me. It certainly got better the more it went on. If I learned anything from "Cabin In The Woods" it's that you always have to wait until the end to see if something's really that good. Congradulations on being Tom Fulp's favorite flash submission! I thought the girl with her blond ponytail and space suit reminded me of Samus.

The only thing I didn't like was how their noses were black. I kept thinking it was a metaphor or something? Anyway, I hope you did well in your class. It's always great when people use stuff on Newgrounds for reports. It shows you how helpful the site is.

That was wonderfully animated and I liked how it was completely insane. I thought it was going to create an infinite loop where the deer turned into the ninja or something. What I liked most was when everyone screamed. It just seemed like the right thing to do. I appreciate all the hard work and time put into the animation. It was certainly an unpredictable cartoon!

While there was no background, the overall detail made up for it. Looking back, it seems like his hands should have turned into something else. The music is also really nice. It's especially cool to see how graphically the guy's innards come out. I also appreciate the time spent into people's organs.

4TAKEN responds:

WOW... i feel flattered by your review, Thank you.

Yes, this was our first attempt to animate, it was really an excercise, so we thought of something simple and quick but bizzare, unpredictable and nonsensical, so people could enjoy it. We focused in the detail and fluency, because that's the style we want our animations to have, but we had problems with recording the sounds, next time we won't. The arms were going to be snakes (pretty obvious) but it was taking us so long to finish and we wanted to begin with our next proyect, one a bit more serious with backgrounds and story.

Again, Thank you for appreciating our work, it's really nice to see that we entertained you a bit.

This is easily the best of all the Elephant submissions this year. It mostly helps that the animation is the best. I love how you have absolutely no idea what's going to happen next. It really makes you wonder if the elephant even is real, but it certainly seems to be. The best part was probably when he stepped on the tank which had the tankmen on it. It's probably the best elephant cartoon I've ever seen in my life!

I love how the music sets the tone perfectly. Elephants don't eat meat, so it was scary when the elephant ate that bird. Of course, it got more scary when he destroyed the city. Not so much an elephant in the room, just a pink elephant. It's still fantastic and unbelievably stylistic. I love how fluidly everything moves.

I thought this was pretty good. At first, it seems like it's just a silly cartoon to glamorize, well, tits. It actually is pretty catchy. What I didn't like is how the animation isn't that good. It seems a lot older than it really is. It makes me realize how stiff those women's nipples must be if they stick out like that.

The voices used in this were pretty good. For a song about being aroused, it actually had a kind of pleasant tone to it. I appreciate you trying to let people have a good time. Wow, I can't believe you're giving us links to download this song! There should be more details, though.

koit responds:

I agree for the most part.

I KNOW I'm not great at art and I'm only ok-ish at animation but where I do well is with ideas. So that's why these get pumped out looking like they do.

I've tried to get better but I can only draw how I can draw. Whilst I can improve shading etc (as someone mentioned below) there's only so far I can take my art.

Okay, that was one of the most random Batman cartoons I've ever seen in my life. I guess for the most part it was good, just very, very strange. I do appreciate how you try to put in some real good animation. I especially love Harley Quinn and how her boobs bounce around like that. I guess it would be gauche of me to be reminded of the "Dark Knight Rises" movie coming out this year. I was, anyway.

I notice El-Cid wasn't credited in the credits, but whatever. The voices were pretty spot on and they truly captured the insanity and stupidity of this cartoon. It is pretty satisfying to just throw stuff and crush your enemy like that. Everyone put in a decent amount of effort for this. That's a strange love triangle.

RicePirate responds:

El-cid did the splash page art, that i found in the art portal. And he's credited in the bottom corner of the splash page :)

I guess the two main characters were supposed to be Optimus Prime and Megatron. It seems like this could have been something interesting, but it wasn't. Congradulations on having such a high score on this of course for some reason. I just appreciate people who make longer stuff. The stop motion effects didn't seem all that long. It didn't seem any different than what most people did.

The typed words were done pretty poorly too. I wish Livecorpse would have been credited under the "Credits & Info" part. I also had no idea what the title meant. From that, I assumed it was going to have stick figures. This did little for me.

I didn't like this one as much as the first, probably because it didn't seem as fresh or anything. So wait, you're not the guy who made the original audio series? I thought you were. Anyway, it seems like this is great and fulfilling everything you could want in a Doctor Whooves and Assistant cartoon. It's great to see two great characters become used like this. I think that character's name might be Ditzy Doo now instead of Derpy.

It's because some soccer mom was offended by the fact that a pony was called "Derpy". It's great to see this series back. I was in no way expecting so much to go on, particularly with him meeting up with all the other ponies. It's nice to see how this turns out. The sprite stuff at the end is cute too.

This isn't that good, but it's still enjoyable. It's always nice to be able to listen to that awesome "Mad World" song. What I didn't understand was why you even decided to make this a Madness flash in the first place. It doesn't have much violence and doesn't seem to connect with the theme well. The only violence was him dying with the car. I guess it goes to show that Madness Combat can create any deriavitive material.

I do think this is a fairly good story that is being told. It's the kind of thing that most ordinary people can associate themselves with. Hopefully, we'll all be able to have some joy and success in our lives. Congradulations on getting such a high rating! It seems like every Madness flash is in the Top 50 now.

Rapheus responds:

That's pretty much what I was going for. Madness but not. This animation takes place in my MadSeth universe, where I try to shoehorn in a story, not just a massive kill count. I very much appreciate your review, though.

Sometimes we must go against the grain and do what isn't orthodox.

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