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I have to give you credit for at least being honest. I didn't understand how this was supposed to be appealing. I suggest that next time, you have a background. Lacking one is rarely, if ever, good for a popular cartoon. The animation could have also been a lot better. Then again, I'm guessing that might have been part of the appeal.

It reminds me of stuff like the asdf series. I don't even know what a garelaf is. I thought it might have had something to do with Super Smash Bros, if only because the segment with that was the longest there. It probably wasn't intended to be anything good. You succeeded in that, at least.

AfroTwist responds:

Well, you're not exactly a part of the target audience, to put it like that.

I have to give you credit for making something truly positive. I would have preferred if there was actual animation in it. Then again, there is some at the end where Tom Fulp (I think that's who it is) jumps up and down with his scrotum. Yes, Scotsman didn't wear anything under their kilts. It's been awhile since I've seen a submission from you. One problem was that it was a bit too loud.

It was interesting to see what would happen. It's certainly unpredictable. I can see why you won Underdog of the Week Award. Hey, you have currently the highest rated submission for 2005! You are definitley a favorite of some people.

I thought this was a decent cartoon. My only complain is that it did seem to go on a bit too long. I guess I was just expecting something more epic with that length. Of course, I have to give you credit for using such cool characters and animation. You would think impaling someone wouldn't be a game. Maybe he's just immortal.

It's cool to see how perspective is used. I love it when people use that transition effect when a big attack is about to be made. It's when that white swirly stuff appears while the screen is being freeze framed. The sprite animation is nicely done too. It seems like I see fewer and fewer of those things nowadays.

I think this was one of the best episodes. The only weak part was how weird the end was. I appreciated you having some of the best animation so far in the series. I really got a good look at the facial expressions of the main character. It was so funny to see him slowly go insane from all the hats around him. I wasn't expecting you to get rid of the hat he wore that covered his whole face.

I guess that shows how daring this series can be. I also love the music. It's always great to see how many stories you can tell with no dialogue. It really makes you think about classic slapstick like Tom and Jerry. While not as goofy, still tons of fun.

Wow, I think this may in fact be my favorite entry in this series. It's really cool how you have all this great animation and character design. I thought that guy was going to really die at the end, but he successfully pooped. I guess you can count that as a positive story. l didn't understand any of it, but it was still lots of fun. It's great to know some of my favorite people like you are still around you.

I would think something similar to another entry would just be a lame knockoff. It turned out to be better than the original! The sound effects are all nicely done and sync up well. It's great how there's so much going on, even if it doesn't add up to much. You have made outhouses safer for us.

As the second one I've seen, I am starting to notice a pattern. Each of these cartoons is roughly two minutes long. I guess I can assume that two days of work on a flash will make two minutes of something. That will help me out if I ever decide to create Flash in the future. I just loved the voices in this. I did not need to see that kid crap his pants.

I mean, I didn't need to see him crap his long underwear thing. Seriously, that's worse than crapping your pants. Oh, and the actual monster at the end didn't help the situation. The animation was really fluid in this. He should have gone in the outhouse!

Dude, this was made in only 48 hours?! It really shows how talented you guys are! I knew that someone with whom I was familiar with worked on the animation. BTW, can't wait for more Larry episodes! Anyway, this is great to watch because it's an interesting scenario being played out. It kind of makes you wonder who the third in command is?

The voices and accents were just perfect. Here's what I thought was going to happen. I thought that since his last words were "fuck" the other people were going to think that was a command. It still works out well with great animation and great angles. It's great we have jams like this.

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