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WOAH, I'm so glad you told me about this! This is one of the most awesome flashes I've seen in a long time! I think the main thing that makes it so good is how fantastic the graphics and designs are. It's like one minute everything is done in sprites while the next it's done with hand drawn stuff. You rarely see a submission use both of those things prominently. I freaking loved the action and characters in this.

I guess not a single bit of a Shyguy's body is known. I appreciate the wide variety of voices. It's also great that you dedicated this to Randy Solem because he's such an awesome guy who deserves this tribute. It does seem like something he would work on. You are right, nostalgia will never die for neither him nor sprite games. It's a great cartoon!

Eastbeast responds:

Thanks I really appreciate your review, especially since you've been around NG enough to know about it's history. Randy Solem passed away about 3/4ths of the way through the production of this flash, near completion I realized I probably would never have found out about spriting, much less Newgrounds without his work. His epic, no boundary ideas were big inspiration on this piece, and a lot of my work in general. I hope to move on and make the next flash with entirely drawn animation, although the feeling of a big epic piece will still be there. Thanks for the review, it means a lot that you liked it. maybe you'll find out my interpretation of the shyguy's face in the next one? -Esty

I thought you did try to have more of a story than some of your other work. What I didn't like was how this just seemed to go on too long. There wasn't even a single action scene! Don't get me wrong, emotional stuff it good too, but it just doesn't add up to much here. I did think the music was pretty good. I think the sprite work is alright, but it doesn't really go anywhere.

Maybe the finale with the action will make up for this. This was okay, not something I would recommend. There should have been more movement and better written text. I can see how you were influenced by SMBZ for this. Alvin-Earthworom was actually inspired by Kirbopher's TTA series.

Punisher33 responds:

This is going to slowly lead up to the action scenes sense it's going to be explaining origins. not much action right away. it builds up to it. trust me. episode 2 is gonna be crazy insane. and very involved.

I can certianly see why this took such a long time to make. I had no idea you had created something so wonderful. What really strikes me as awesome about this is how you have shown such strong lines. You really showed us how an outline of a character can tell you a lot about him. I love the music and how fluid it moves the story along. Given the story's theme, it kind of moves fluidly literally.

I couldn't help but think that the cat looked like a rabbit in some parts. It's still a wonderful cartoon and something everyone should see. While it had no dialogue, I could still get into the story. Congrations on your success. You made something great!

Yeah, I remember when I turned 21 too. I think the only thing you can't do yet is drive a rental car, which you have to wait until 23. Then again, I am 23 myself! Of course, this was a great cartoon. I feel it's one of your submissions where we really get in your head and understand what's going on in your life. You are one of the most prolific creators on this website of course.

I am sure you will find love someday. Hey, maybe your female friend, eh, I'm just kidding. I like how you (as a cartoon character) looked so stern all the time while maintaing a silly overtone. Here's to more years of making great cartoons! With your other birthdays being celebrated, it doesn't look like you'll be retiring anytime soon.

What I didn't like about this was how you pretty much spoiled how the whole thing went by including the words sperm and urine in the tags. Still, this cartoon was fairly short but sweet. I find it strange how each glasses have mouths. You would think that if there was an opening in their "bodies" the liquid would come out. I wish I could understand what they were saying.

Of course, it doesn't matter. This was just intended to be a quick, silly thing and it definitley achieved its goal. While there isn't that much animation, what is there is actually really good. For jars, these guys move a lot. It's a nice short cartoon.

I really liked this, probably because of the animation. I think if you have funny dialogue to go with something, the rest writes itself. I never saw Cheech and Chong's "Up In Smoke", but it sounds like a truly hilarious movie. I don't really know why the other characters were dogs. It was great to have something so silly and nonsensical. I closely watched the lip movement the whole way through.

You are of course really good at this. I don't quite understand why you made this, but the results are great. It's also great that you manage to come up with so many new cartoons so quickly. You're like the Nitrome of flash cartoons! All the facial expressions are wonderful and took much effort.

I thought this was your best submission out of all those Game Facts thing. You just earned a new favorite for Ericho! Of course, I have literally hundreds of favorites, so I guess it doesn't mean much. The funniest part was easily at the end when the Bullet Bill went crazy and then went back to normal. The animation was freaking fantastic in this. Bowser sounds different than that other Mario parody you did.

My favorite character was of course the Bullet Bill. Even single thing he says is hilarious, like his line about biscuits. People will never stop making jokes about the Mario franchise like this. You executed it so well. So I guess Bowser is just a stalker with a crush, huh? Love makes you do crazy things.

That was extremely strange. I thought you were showing off different parts of your body and how they could make sounds, but it was really just your mouth shown from different angles. I find "pie hole" to be one of the most insane names for a mouth ever. I thought it was just something that "Cow And Chicken" made up. I guess this succeeded in giving what it was supposed to. The lyrics aren't that bad if you listen to them.

For as nonsensical as this was, I didn't find it to be that creative. It was strange to see these black and white gifs of your mouth. I guess it could have been longer, but that probably wouldn't have made it make any more sense. I just wish it was more detailed. It's funny how a gray cartoon gate closes them.

While I doubt this was written on actual notebook paper, it's still a great cartoon. I think the best thing about it is how much you make of by having this character in this world. You willingly make him interact with the rest of his environment that you control. I think my favorite part was when you had him being dragged down by an anchor and then you made it air or something. It really shows what you can do in a cartoon world. It really gives you a lot of room for creativity.

The sounds were great too as they had a great cartoonish feel. I appreciate having good animation everywhere. It may not have had that much movement, but it's still very cool to look at.
You will just never stop making great flashes, huh? Congradulations to your Daily Feature and other awards!

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