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I thought this wasn't as good as the first one, but it's still very nice. It helps that the animation is so spectacular. I had no idea that Death had to help with the souls of animals. He must have his hands tied up with all the flies and mosquitoes that die all the time. That's even more than the 100,000+ people that die every day. It does kind of seem like you are sounding like one of those PETA people.

If an animal is treated humanely, you can do anything with it. I don't want to go all political on you, so I guess I just stop right there. I loved the voices and how subtle they sounded. You could really get the idea that everything was realistic here. Well, as realistic as it could be.

I thought you might do some more stuff, like make it so that the guy he shot was the police officer. Then again, I'm just being nitpicky, as this is an awesome cartoon. I think the best thing about it is probably how funny it is to see everyone with the hitman's head. It's ridiculously funny and awesome. I love how the title theme is played up so well. The animation is as fantastic as ever.

If only John Kricfalusi could see stuff like this, then he'd stop moaning about how bad modern cartoons are. The voices were really funny too. I was afraid you were going to end the whole thing with just the hitman disguised as the doughnut. I thought the officer was in disguise at first, and I was right. It's very well done.

I was surprised and possibly and a bit confused by this. Recursion has always been an interesting topic for me to explore. I think you may have made an error or two in understanding its true purpose, but who cares? What matters is that the animation is great. What's also weird is how you really find yourself rooting for the guy here. There's no dialogue, just great animation.

I'm surprised this didn't get a higher award. In the past couple of days, the Daily Feature winners have gotten pretty low scores in comparison to other times. Even the logo is done in a pretty cool way! So that's what an an all nigher is like. I hope I never have to pull one of those.

Pyrowman responds:

If by 'errors' you mean the part where they stack on top of eachother, it was fully intentional. I wanted to confuse the viewer by bending the rules I made, just when they get comfortable with it.

Thanks for your splendid review!

I admit that this was at least better than some of the other stuff you've worked on. I think it appealed to me somewhat because it's a funny image. I still can't help but feel this would work a lot better on a certain other website. I hope you know what it is. I like how silly this robot looks. I think the coolest things about it might be how it looks like it has marshmellows on its body. I don't know enough about robotics to know what that is.

Hey, congradulations on Underdog Of The Week! With the high score, you really deserved it! I liked how that's a prize that isn't really positive or negative. It's kind of funny to see that guy just dance around for no reason. I hope you had a great Robot Day.

Punisher responds:

I hate you so much.
swallow a knife

I thought that was fairly funny. I always noticed that it seemed strange that Sakura was running around in those clothes. I honestly don't think there's ever been a character who had more panty shots than her. You'd think Chun-Li would be the more fanservicey character. Of course, Cammy could also qualify. This seems more like something Randy-Solem would make.

BTW, may that wonderful man rest in peace. Of course, as your name says, you are a bigger fan of Street Fighter than most other things. I guess most people were just expecting your next work to be in the Zelda Misadventures series. Those are better than those. I don't even remember SSII: The Satire Edition.

VicHD responds:

Nah, Randy (R.I.P) was more into toilet humor, believe me. As for Sakura, despite her being an easy target for this kind of joke, I have to say that she is my personal favorite of the Street Fighter girls.

on a side note, haven't you noticed how CAPCOM has frequently perved on most of their female characters over the years from Street Fighter, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, Resident Evil and even in Mega Man? it makes you wonder...

Uh, wow, I think this is in fact the longest collab you guys have ever worked on. I didn't think there was any way you could top the previous one I just reviewed that lasted for 19 minutes, but this one lasted for 20 minutes! Looking back, I'm even surprised it moved that fast. Well, it got a bit frustrating with how the story seemingly wouldn't end. At least I will give you guys credit for being creative.

It seems like fewer Clock flashes are coming every year, so I am glad you guys are still on top. I think my favorite artist would be AbsintheClock. I thought it was funny how the cow had human breasts. Why are a cow's udders located in the crotch area instead of the chest area like nipples are for most mammals? Pube Muppet was good too.

I think this is my favorite submission for this year's Clock Day! It really helps that there are so many funny jokes in this. When this is listed under Clock Day 2012, it says that it hasn't passed judgement yet. I guess we need some work with that. Anyway, it was great to see such good animation. It will always warm my heart to know you guys are still doing stuff. Speaking of heartwarming, I was waiting for sappy music at the end there.

I think my favorite part was when the room mate (look, I don't know everyclock's name, wait, is that MLP's everypony?) said he was raped twice that day. It makes sense the landlord would be retarded. They didn't have to pay all the times they were there. I guess AlbinoClock has shown us how you guys wear clothes. Happy Clock Day 2012!

Woah, this was something that was just plain crazy. I honestly don't even think it did go backwards, it seemed to go forwards for me. I guess I was just watching it like it wouldn't. Anyway, this is a great cartoon. I think this has the least humor of any main Clock Day submission you guys have ever worked on! Well, it's one of the least humorous.

Normally, the stuff you guys work on isn't comprehensible, but it was even more so this time! It was so nice to see all these great animation styles. It's impossible for me to say which is my favorite because they were all so good. I also couldn't remember most of them anyway. Happy Clock Day!

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