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Very good

I really liked this entry, becaus there were so many good jokes in it. Even the stick figures themselves are very well designed. The strongest point is probably the voices in this as they all capture the goofiness or seriousness of these characters. I think the funniest bit is probably when he runs through the trains. While it looks a bit dated, it's still well done. I knew that Smith was too evil to even like cookies!

I thought this would be more of a collab than a straight story. I guess it's confusing how it was also made the same time as "The Matrix Has You". The robots and ships are especially well designed. I guess I would have liked it if there was more action, but this is a parody. This seemed to be your last submission for awhile.

It's decent

At first I thought that this was going to be a retelling of the entire Bible. It didn't seem like it because you didn't get that far when the cartoon went along. What is good is how well the animation flows in this. It was especially cool to hear everything in rhyme. Maybe you could have classified this as a music video. I think it kind of lost water when it got into the more dogmatic stuff about Heaven and Hell, which I can't really blame you for.

I'm not a fan of those things, but can at least appreciate the hard work and effort put into this. You could have made it a bit more elaborate but it's still pretty well done. I think the message I want to send is that people should just stick with whatever principles they have. We can all learn something from each other. The music was also nice and soft.

As good as it gets

I thought this was one of the best Madness flash tributes I have ever seen! The best part is probably how it probably has the highest onscreen body count of any Madness submission I've ever seen. I can understand why it was divided into two parts, because it is truly epic. This doesn't waste any time killing every single person in sight. The animation is great, especially with how he moves in the sewer. At 79 kills, I could have sworn that I heard George W. Bush's voice.

It's been awhile since anyone's directly made fun of him. Some of the figures seem too small, but then I realized I could simply expand the page. It sure is a good feature, huh? I guess they are so many great Madness tributes, it's hard to give an award to them all. I liked the wide variety of music, as the Madness series is certainly known for that. It was weird to see this as I had seen the sequel.


Dude, this has got to be one of the most adorable flashes I've come across! It helps that I am a monster fan of cats and this perfectly portrays how awesome these creatures can be. What's also sweet is how the animation is so fantastic. Yeah, I think we would know not to do this. The funniest part was probably when the cats started folding the clothes. I love how adorable every single animal in this is. I can't believe I missed seeing this somewhere down the line.

The sounds are fantastic, especially with how the cats meow. I should at least get a laser pointer of some kind to play with my cat. I have actually done a lot of dusting around the house myself lately. I always imagined that my cat would be able to contribute by sweeping things around with his tail. It's just perfectly paced and gives off an awesome sense of cuteness. I am so glad to be introduced to your style.

Yeah, didn't care for it

I think the main thing I didn't like about this was how it had no background. When you just have nothing but white background it's nothing to be proud of. In case anyone's wondering, the easter egg is the silhouette when you get to choose. It wasn't that hard to find as it was the only thing in the picture that we didn't know was clickable. Another problem is that when you chose the different endings the music kept overlapping. It just gets too confusing.

I think the red guy is from the game "Diablo". I am not sure about that weird brown thing, but it somewhat resembles a Quagsire crossed with a turkey. It could easily pass for any kind of pokemon. There wasn't much action at all and all of the sequences just seemed to be still images. The music wasn't bad, but again, it overlapped.

Oh, that's funny

I assumed that a parody ad was going to have dialogue in it, but this didn't have it. At first, it seemed like it was going to be something made for the Tripods themselves. They would recommend Red Bull to their fellow invaders. Of course, with this being a PSA, that wouldn't make much sense. The animation was good in this one. While it's great that something is funny, it's always good to put effort into the drawings.

The tripod itself is especially well designed. I see references to "War Of The Worlds" many times, put rarely see drawings of tripods. It's nice how people let their artistic talent show off with stuff like this. I had Red Bull a couple of times and it wasn't one of the best or worst drinks I ever had. It's nice to hear from you.

Nothing too new or interesting

Well, it's kind of hard to say anything good or bad about it, because it really evens out. The good part about it is that the animation is good. I especially like Pikachu's cameo in this. What struck me as unentertaining was the fact that it was just this guy from Inuyasha dancing. I especially didn't like seeing his genitalia flopping all around. It seems like you should have put an "Adult" rating on this. I can't tell if that's his nipple or some shading spot on his body.

The music is alright. Of course, this is a spam flash, so it's not intended to be good. I guess that you really did succeed in that sense and you can proud of your success. At least it's probably better than most spam flashes. Is this really supposed to be celebrating the birthday of Sesshomaru, because I don't know what other purpose it has.

o0OInuyashaO0o responds:

I rated the animation properly. The option are..
None, Mild and excessive.
Since theres only 1 naked character... and he's chibi.. i would have to say mild, Newgrounds instantly puts on the rating so dont blame me~ *shrugs*
Anyways~ i appreciate the fact you understand i wasnt trying to make anything amazing, it annoys me terribly when i get serious critique on a crap i made just for the "LOL's".
As i said in the description, It was made for a friend's birthday.

I can see why you wanted something to go

First of all, you mispelled "thought" in the first sentence. You spelled it "tought". I didn't really understand the appeal in this, because it just seemed like it was about someone dropping a turd in water. I think the only thing I liked was how the bubble effects actually weren't bad. You should have put in some music to go with this. I know it would be hard to find appropriate music, but I imagine you could at least find something interesting.

There was no sound at all except for the poop going into the toilet or ocean or wherever it was. Okay, there is some in the credits. It just goes on too long and has little of a purpose. Then again, you did put this on the "Spam" genre. I guess you certainly succeeded in making it a spam flash, so I congradulate you on your success.

Elder Scrolls!

Oh, now I realize that Skyrim is simply another chapter in the "Elder Scrolls" series! I had heard of that before, but thought this was a brand new game. It's great that you still keep up how awesome the animation is. This seemed to be a retread of your "Saturday Morning Watchmen" cartoon. While that one was better, this was still great in its own right. You really know how to capture the goofiness of classic cartoons.

The funniest bit was probably with the dragon at the end. I imagine the game is considerably darker than this. What really appealed was how bright the colors were and how they flowed so well. Everything is just so wonderfully cartoonish in this. I think the only suggestion to make is that the theme song could have been a bit catchier.


This is probably the best Skyrim parody I've ever seen. The best thing about it is how awesome the animation is. I am starting to become more and more familiar with the Skyrim video game. Granted, I might never play it, but I don't for most of the parodies here. I have little doubt this is going to have a collection here soon! I especially like how fastly you keep up with all the jokes and while I might not get them all they're still great.

I knew when he put the bucket over the annoying guy's head that I was in for a treat! The animation kind of reminds me of LazyMuffin. You guys are of course, great in your own right. The funniest part was probably when there was a war breaking out all because of a guy who killed a chicken. Those people better not go to a KFC anytime soon.

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