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I found them

I found it interesting to show David Attenborough comment on dinosaurs. I think he said he would want to see a giant plant eating dinosaur if he could. You could have been a bit better with the voice. While not that smart, this was still entertaining as you consistently kept up the humor. The medals are not listed as secret, so I guess it's okay for me to say how to get them. When the backstory is beginning, click on Barney under a tree for the first one.

For the second one, click on the Pokeball right after Willvasaurus destroys the meteor. Scientists have confirmed that it was indeed a meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs! You'd think there'd be more of them around with global warming. I like the notion of him going on to become a flash artist. The artwork could have been more detailed.


Dude, this is one of the most fantastically animated things I have ever seen in my entire life! It is just unbelievable how everything is so fricking perfect in this! On every single square of this cartoon, there's something going on. I have no idea what's going on or how this came to be, but it's awesome! You give great pride to all your fellow animators! It seems like it's been forever since I've seen stuff with Mr. Coo.

I remember him as being featured under the "Funny Cartoons" category. It is fantastic because you simply have no idea at all what is going to happen next in this masterpiece! I hope this wins every positive award in existance! The colors are wonderfully bright and they give off a perfect sense of vibrance. Every single body part is flying around everywhere!

You do punish

Well, you seemed to live up to your name, because I didn't enjoy this much. I think its main flaw is that it simply goes on forever. I don't know what you did, but this is in the Top 50 of all time! I almost have to give you credit for whatever you did to get such a high score! Anyway, the most annoying thing is probably the sound. It seems like this would have been more enjoyable if it was more organized as nothing seemed to make sense.

I was afraid the whole thing would just be that loading animation. You seem like you have the potential for something better, just put more effort into it. I guess it is technically a music video, just a really nonsensical one. You have obviously made some interesting things, but you need more uniqueness to be popular. The tune isn't that bad, I guess.

Punisher responds:

You absolutely missed the entire point, as usual.

You are a fucking idiotic faggot, & I hope you die within the hour.

Mostly good

Okay, I have to admire this because it did seem like it was trying to send off a good message. The best part of it was probably how good the animation was. I'm not really a person that into dogmatic beliefs. It is still nice that you seem to sincerely want to help people in any way that you can. I don't understand God, but I do believe he exists. It's just that I find his abscence to be more weird than his prescence.

This was pretty catchy, with how you put everything in song. You didn't seem to come off too preachy. I am glad that you have good intentions on your mind, even though you know there are going to be people who disagree with you. The best thing is for us to keep being good people any way we can. It's a lesson we can all learn.

nahtanojmal responds:

Hey thankyou. And congrat's for being 5th on the top reviewers

Happy New Year!

Judging from the low score, I was afraid it was going to be something relaly bad. This really isn't that terrible. I especialy liked seeing all those random cartoon images at the end. My gosh, it's been the longest time since I saw Banana Man in action. I guess old memes just go away, huh? When it made the transition to a white background, I thought it was just going to be over with a cheesy display, but it really wasn't.

Of course, I still can't give this credit for being that creative. I just didn't seem to understand why this was all happening. I guess the ending loop remind me of those bad flashes by the Kitty Krew and other spammers. Just try to make it so that stuff like this has a definite end, because then it can come off as spammy. It's not terrible again.

Mario8th responds:

Well, it's actually a throwback to Yoshi's Island, if you've ever played it, those wight puff balls make your vision all fuzzy and crazy, so I made it be drugs.
And it does end, I was just stupid and used the whole song XD

Anyway, glad you enjoyed it!

Here is where it begins

It's great to see how such a popular and long running series came to be in the first place. I can tell this is the first episode because the personalities are presented well. Wanting pie is really all you need to know about these characters. Yes, I swear that I can understand what these characters are saying! They do speak English, it's just a strange version of it. I sure hope he does bring some pie when he comes back.

The funniest thing was when he yelled out "Pie". It was really the only time in the cartoon where you relied on visual humor. While there isn't much of a background, it's still great to look at. It does seem like there are too long pauses between the characters dying. It's great to see how far you have come with this.

What's with the sound?

I'm not sure if this was just a problem with me, but I couldn't quite understand the sound. In the first half of this, there seemed to be some weird noise. I thought maybe it was an ad, but I don't think so. If you had gotten rid of that, I probably would have awarded this 9 stars. What was cool about this cartoon was simply how ridiculous it was. I love how Ron pointed out they could have just used a Stunning Spell.

I wonder if characters in Harry Potter ever use that? Well, it's great that you're making HP parodies even though the books and movies are over. I especially love how awesome everyone is drawn here. It's so deranged, it's like something out of Ren And Stimpy. It was also cool to include that scene at the very end.

What is this?

Well, this was presented as a game but it didn't seem to be one. Then again, I'm only saying that because it was apparently from a website about games. What was really annoying was how there was no sound at all except for in the beginning. I'm guessing this was supposed to be a joke or something? I don't see how this is funny. It's just pokemon doing nothing but hitting each other and making explosions.

When you announce the attack, you just show a screen with the pokemon. I suggest you should have a background for these projects. You could at least find some pokemon music online and add it there. This just seems way too rushed. Please try to listen to people with constructive criticism to improve yourself.

Some spider!

This was quite different than most of your other music videos. And considering how weird you are, that's REALLY saying something. I especially like how even the animation seems to be different this time. It was weird to not hear that normal voice carrying out the words. This wasn't an infinite loop, as most of your songs are, at least your most popular songs. It was really a song you could take your time with. It was so surreal I can't even remember a single word to it!

It's extremely fast paced and I love it! It was wierd how a fly would be working with a spider on something. You are always known for having a zany style, but it's just fantastic you experiment with yourself all the time. "None." is a good way to describe this ridiculous music video. I hope you continue to do amazing stuff.

Another good one!

I'm really starting to lighten up to this series to see the stories that it is telling. It seems like you are genuinely trying to create an authentic slice of life story here. Then again, there is weird stuff like the guitar randomly appearing. I love how you point out how that's even possible. I suppose if a friend of mine was crying, I would try to say something. It's so great that you managed to find a friend with as ridiculous a name as yours.

It's also interesting how there is an ongoing story with this. It's a bit out of place, but still great to look at. The animation is as great as ever, especially with how exaggerated the mouth movements are. In case anyone's wondering, you click on "End" at the end to replay the thing. Congradulations on yet another Daily Feature!

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