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It's back!

Scott Pilgrim was one of my all-time favorite movies so it's great you're doing a parody of it! It was pretty funny when you mentioned all the other movies that actor has been in. Hey, he plays an awkward teenager because well, he is one! It is nice to see those Cadbury Creme Eggs when it is actually getting around Easter time. This was a much more enjoyable way of celebrating it than the movie I just saw "Hop". It's hard to go wrong with the animation team of Weebl and ZekeySpaceyLizard.

Superbad is also one of my all-time favorite movies! Man, this kid was in a lot of great movies. I did not like how it was anti-climatic but it is a parody so it was not intended to have a lot of action anyway. The animation was all around fantastic with how much detail was in everything. I still don't understand what the intro movies mean.

So little

I guess it might have made more sense if I saw some other entries, but this was not good to me. What I thought was weird was how Vegeta didn't appear in his Super Saiyan (1 or 2) form when fighting Goku, or at least when firing his Big Bang attack. Well, he did become one later. It just seems like everyone is acting so much out of character. Goku would never kill Vegeta after getting a son unless he was being mind controlled or something. I also did not like how everything just seems to be still images. It just seemed so disorganized.

I suggest you try to put in action and not just a bunch of pictures. You could use sprite work or regular animation and watch and read some of the tutorials. This might have had a higher rating if you had just submitted it a few days later. I guess you were being courageous by submitting it on your own. Is that supposed to be Future Trunks?

One of the best

This is one of the most enjoyable entries in this long running series, if only because of the use of those Scooby Doo doors. Man, that has been done so many times but it will never get out! I loved seeing Pac-Man, the cast of 8-bit Theater, the Monty Python foot, and Mario and the Koopa Troopa! A pity there was no funny prologue. At least we got to see the awesome ending sequence. There was a lot of good animation here, especially with Scooby-Doo and Shaggy (whoops, forgot their cameo!).

I was wondering myself why the cat did not just go under the cage. It is great how this one relied heavily on humor while still having a good story. You really have come a long way as appears to be one of the earlier entries. Some of it gets a bit too talky, but it's still something worth watching. The voice work, what little there was, was great as always.

Clovis15 responds:

I'm glad you liked this episode, especially the staircase chase sequence. Although I've since done much harder things in flash, it was at the time the most nerve wracking thing I've ever tried. As for things like the cat just going under the bars, its things like this that we strive for on the CTU production team. Sometimes common sense itself, applied to uncommon situations, can be the most rewarding outcome.

NIce little thing

This was a decent effort to make for 2009's Clock Day. The best part was when all of those buses fell on LeekClock. I believe that the bearded clock was supposed to be GodClock, so it's too bad God was killed by a bus running over him. I also admired the animation used in this because it was pretty well done. While not that good in terms of transition effects, the designs of the clocks and everything was done fairly well. It's just great to see the Clock Crew doing what it does best, be non-sequitor.

While short, it still had most of what you would want in a funny flash. I really like how you used a different thing to signify the end even if you still used the same sound. I guess this just goes to show how unlucky beards are. It's also nice how the gray clock just stands there the whole time looking so deadpan. I guess he's glad not to take part in that silliness.

OctopusClock responds:

thank you sir.

Fantastic stuff

This managed to be even better than the original! The truly awesome thing was how everything was just so funny and it worked well by being told as animated sketches. I am not sure if that was your intention, but thanks for getting so many celebrity voices! Geez, we on the Internet really have created our own set of celebrities, haven't we? It is interesting to understand how the series began. The funniest one was probably the final, "God".

That sketch reminded me of how God is portrayed in the stuff by Sam T. There are just so many jokes in this and great animation to boot. I never thought a stick figure could work so well in a non-stick world. I also had no idea that there were any bones in the penis. Well, I guess in something as silly as this, I shouldn't overanalyze.

Goes on too long

It is hard to hate this cartoon that much, because it does have some innovative stuff in it. The best part was how you just had so much going on. The weaknesses was that the thing just goes on too long and it is hard for the watcher to keep their interest the whole way through. At least your picture of Robotnik was fairly good. Anyway, I am surprised you did not edit the audio for Darth Vader/Whoever that was for him to say, "He's alive" from "She's alive". I doubt a penis would ever be considered a "she".

Next time, work on having more of a background as it was blank in some occasions. You certainly have a creative side, just not the best way of using Flash with it. There are many tutorials you could take a look at. It was pretty cool with how you drew some stuff with pencils and I wish I knew how to do that. At least it wasn't an infinite loop.

straberrykiler6789 responds:

i thought havening pencil drawings
would make it a little more original
that was a cyborg of
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BonziBUD DY
and an evil floating Pop-Up head

whey were both chopped up and they were rebuilt
but there were parts missing and so 1 guy was made from both

i should use a lighter layer next time so its less dark with same effect
in some scenes they were in dark underground evil lairs
so you can only see the ppl

btw if u have a scanner u can do the pencil drawing thing
the buildings are just rectangles with squares in

First Draw
then photo copy into an image file
cut it out remove white back ground and make transparent
save it as a png or a gif import into flash

As long as you have
photo shop
Ms Paint
Ms Gif animator

A bit off

I think that Piclownjew thing comes on a bit too late to go with the sound. I am not sure if you are FatBadger, but this does seem like something he would make. Some of the effects actually look kind of nice and I can see why you would consider it "remastered". The badger himself looks better than other movies. The Piclownjew logo also looks rather nice. Anyway, this still didn't have much of a plot but was at least nice for a really quick cheap laugh.

It does get kind of annoying when you have that sound go on forever at the end. It seems like the least you could do is have a replay button so the watcher would not have to deal with it. I have little idea what the NB FB thing at the beginning means. It was kind of different and probably the first time I heard of Nazi Barney. I don't see much of the Barney Bunch anymore.

I'll review each one

Naruto Shadow 2 - Couldn't really understand it.
Sasuke Rocket! - Pretty funny.
Akatsuki Opening - Great to see where it started.
Sasuke fire ball - Their teeth are funny looking.
Neji's Byakugun - Easily the funniest.
Orochimaru and Kabuto - Cruel, but cute.
Diedara and Gaara - Didn't see how it was funny.
The credits were probably teh cutest part.

KKING1 responds:


Fairly different

I guess I am so used to hearing Guitar Something in a game, I was surprised this was not one. It is interesting how you made a sort of satire about how the game works. It was fun to see the game on the TV screen, but the parts where he starts playing is when it really gets good. I do not understand why the characters were rabbits, but I guess why not? The best thing about this was the animation. The effects used during his fantasy were the best, but even the more mundane ones were good.

It's especially cool just to see the sketchy work in the black and white parts. Contrasting that with the character and his fantasy was nice to see. While not the most insightful of cartoons, still fun to watch. From the loading screen with the house, you really have little idea what is going to happen. It was good to listen to and look at, basically.

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