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How awkward

Wow, I was seriously not expecting that to happen at all. It's a bit hard to say whether this was good or bad, it was just very strange. It's easy to tell that black guy is the most popular character in "Left 4 Dead". Seriously, it makes me think that we should have a "Left 4 Dead" section here with all the parodies there are around. The creepy thing was that the girl zombie kind of looked underaged. Well, I guess age doesn't matter when you're undead.

I have a feeling everything will go well for this guy. I noticed he has a blood stained clawmark on his side so he should turn into a zombie eventually. Then again, zombie love is a pretty disgusting sounding thing. I am not sure why, but the funniest bit was when the music came back after the credits. It really changed the mood.

Interesting characters

The best part of this was easily the artwork shown at the very end. The artwork in the actual cartoon was really good so that was a double whammy. The coolest thing was probably how this series really took off with a plot. Even the dialogue seems intelligent with all the talk of going to other dimensions. I imagine racism would be a problem in a world with so many different species. Angry Dog is so great with his deadpan humor.

It was interesting how he did not appear until later in the cartoon. He's a good foil to the rest of the chaos. I usually try to look at the things that are listed as sort of Easter Eggs. I am sorry to say the words were flashing by so fast I could not really make them out or at least not remember most. The only thing I remember is "Fantasy Bears Mass Suicide".

That long?

I find it weird that it has been that long since Steve Irwin was killed by that stingray. I guess it isn't that offensive looking at it now as it's been awhile. What I did not like about this cartoon was how the quality of animation was not that good. It was also fairly short and didn't show anything really happening. I guess it would be too insensitive to actually show him getting killed. I felt it went on too long at the end with asking if he was dead or not.

You also need to brush up on your voice acting skills. It seems like you were perhaps too close to the microphone or something. I can understand that it would be interesting to win any kind of award, even if it's not a positive one. You might also want to put on an actual background in the beginning. The shading could be better too.

Not bad

This was an alright submission and it mostly works because the animation is pretty good. I am in fact surprised you managed to get the whole thing done in that amount of time. I do think that you should probably look for longer periods of time to work on your stuff. The music was pretty interesting and high spirited as well. I have no idea what is going on or who any of these characters are. I am going to assume they are all original characters.

The way the characters moved so fast was kind of funny too. I am not sure if that was intentional, but it's a bit entertaining. You should probably put in a little more detail, though. The background feels like it suffered the worst from a lack of detail. If you shape up on the animation and make it a bit longer, I can see it being much better.

What the...?

This is one of the most noteworthy flash series on the entire Internet! How did this not win a single award and only get a few reviews?! Oh well, at least there are some people who acknowledge and know you're here. I hope you are not still unemployed in real life. While the animation is not that great and the voice work could be better, what matters is that you try to appeal to your audience on a personal level. While I have never lived on my own before, I am sure people can associate themselves with that feeling.

The funniest part was when you mentioned that you considered doing charity work and then did not. Yeah, that would make me feel better too! Wait, the exact same thing happened to me before I got the job I currently have. This is more relevant today as the economy has gotten worse since this cartoon came out. At least I finally got that worked out.


It would be unfair for me to compare this to Knox as he is the most noted claymation dude here. It does still remind me of Knox with all the silly violence and blood. What I did not like, however, was that there was not much for this. The animation did not seem that good. Were these white guys supposed to be ghosts or something? Some of the silly violence was kind of funny especially at the end with the pencil.

I have no idea how to put a play button on something so it would be hypocritical for me to criticize you for that. At least the ticket was quite authentic. Everything just seemed a bit cluttered, though it was a bit entertaining in its own ridiculousness. The voice work might have been better too. Next time, try to put more variety into the voices.

Getting thicker

This is an interesting series for one that is rather mundane. I guess I really should stop with the whole "shipping" thing, huh? This was entertaining because everyone talked in their voices so well. They seemed so realistic in the way they said things. While not the best thing ever, it seems like you were trying to reach us on a realistic level. I recognize HotDiggedyDemon as using the Mickey voice from his cartoons.

What I would like is if you could put in some more animation to make it worth watching. With a girl named Fantasia I think you'd make a Nevernending Story or a Disney joke. The animation is still good, as everything flows in a very steady way here. It's funny how the characters swear so casually. One thing just leads to another with these guys and they do get a lot done in their conversations.

LazyMuffin responds:

Max's voice IS Mickey's voice, poor guy.
This version has a ton more animation than the previous two, but I understand.


I don't care!

The most bold thing about this submission was the part at the beginning. You were showing awareness of the advertisement and mocking it. I don't think those things are automatically put up, but it's just a funny thing to put. The funniest thing was of course the deal with Yamachu. It really makes you realize how far behind all the other characters are. Yamachu killed no one in the whole anime or even defeated someone that I can recall.

It's also funny because it seems just like the kind of thing Goku would advertise for. The voicework was nicely done in this as there was eagerness in his voice. What also works is how the animation is good and it reminds me of some stuff by Egoraptor or even Tom Fulp. I love how stupid Goku looks with his big puffy cheeks.

Chimbley responds:

Thanks man! I really appreciate your thought out reviews. And yeah, I was just fellin' a little rebellious, so I decided to write that little blurb by the ad. I hope they don't get mad at me lol.

Mostly good

I was waiting for the butter to show up in this. I thought maybe the butter was supposed to be the cat himself or the uvula of the man. The music made throughout this also made it very creepy. What was probably the best part was the animation. Everything was just so amazingly demented looking. Every second, the lines these characters were made of just seemed to be plopping all over the place, not that that's bad.

I imagine a sick demented guy would do that to his cat. It looks like the old man is just melting with all that saliva coming out of his mouth. All in all, this was a good cartoon because it was quite unpredictable and downright creepy, if that was the aim. I never heard of a crazy cat man before. The paper background was great too.

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