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Deserves its spot!

Congradulations on having the #1 highest rated submission of all time on Newgrounds as of now! Congrats also on having every single main award. The coolest thing was how this was just so darn innovative! It just goes to show that stick figures will never, ever die. One of the coolest things was how you put in those more simplistic faces on the stick figures, especially the title characters. The coolest part was at the end when he turned into that dragon fire thing.

I don't want to spoil anything, but the ending was very unexpected as well. It makes me wonder why these guys were fighting in the first place. Oh, and there is another scene after the credits in case anyone wants to know. Of course, with the awesome credits you made us want to watch all of them! Even the names are original!


This was a fantastic cartoon because there were just so many things going on. While there was not much color, the way you did use color is used wonderfully. I was not that interested at first, but man, did this thing become better as it went along! It is a wonderful satire of the dangers of conformity. The cartoon was just brutal with how these characters had their heads smashed in to become boxes. I know that I will certianly go out and make something special out of myself.

When I first heard the title, I thought it would be about you animating a cartoon. My brother would know what it's like to be up at 3am all the time. The actual thing was great and the music was simply fantastic and I am very glad to be introduced to it. There were great transformations like the guy turning into a skull. I love how the animation looks so sketchy, but still so professional.

Great to be introduced to it

Wow, this is a brand new series I have stumbled across and it is great to see it! It may not win Daily Feature, but at least it's the highest ranked thing coming to the Portal now! The really awesome thing about this was how good the animation was. It really helps that the characters just look so darn adorable in this! The ending was kind of weird, but still a funny cartoon all around. The voices were also very appropriate and fit the emotions well.

It's weird how random this thing is. There are scenes where the characters have blank eyes and then they have colored eyes. It was great how this was extremely random, but it still managed to make jokes relevant to a story. It's not just pop culture reference after another. Oh, and the cat at the end is adorable too.

Happy April Fool's Day

It is interesting to take a look back at the April Fool's Day celebration I happened to be present at! Looking at other spam movies, I do not even find this to be that bad. It seems like it would be nice to remind us of that day. Then again, I have heard of this one website where you can simply look back at every old page on the Internet. The music certainly sounded Oriental. I believe that was supposed to be Bruce Lee who was flying around the screen.

It seems like you could make the music stop at one point. When writing reviews such as this, that can be annoying. Never mind, I think it stopped now, and now it's back. I suggest that you have the action movie much faster, like have the images fly by faster. I guess as it was for April Fool's Day by having it be irrelevant you suit the holiday well.

Smidly responds:

Thank you. Very helpful as to what I should include next Apr Fools

Hey, not bad

I think the claymation effects were okay in this. It is great that other people are doing claymation stuff apart from the most famous ones like Knox. This was mostly enjoyable because there was simply such a great song to go with this. It seems so perfect I highly doubt you came up with it yourself. A lot of cartoons are just vulgar for no reason, but this actually seemed to be vulgar with a purpose! The kids and other characters were not designed well.

I like how the song changed all the lyrics. At least you did not show any kids actually being molested (well, it wouldn't fit into the song). It was hard to see how Frosty's penis was growing. Was there a closeup of his penis at one point in this? I saw a closeup of his white body and it was hard to tell what it was aiming on.

Good for a death

Well, what can I say? I can not really hate this because this is a pretty authentic representation of the scene in the "South Park" episode "Tweek Vs. Craig" where Kenny dies. Its main fault is that it is really nothing except that scene! It does remind me back in the days where you could see scenes and episodes online and didn't have to worry about copyright. You can only go on the official websites to see that. As the show's animation is simple itself, you did a good imitation.

What you do need to work on is to have a background. You might also want to try not putting it in an infinite loop, not that I would know how to fix that. At least this should please fans of the show who want to see this scene. It kind of makes you realize how little the characters care about what's going on. The teacher is still the most sensible.

How unpredictable

When I first hear of "collab" I think of something like a music video or a series of sketches. It was great to have something completely different. The best part was how you guys mentioned your names in the lower right hand corner so I knew who was doing what part. This reminded me of the Monty Python Spam sketch. While there was no spam, there was sausage and egg in it! It is great that you managed to get this done after it was put on hiatus for such a long time.

I like how the sausage had a more realistic drawing than the surroundings. I was in no way expecting him to show up when the turtle crossed the street. It seems like you guys just animated whatever was the first thing that came into your head that day. As you ate breakfeast, I mean that literally. There could have been some more music, but still good.

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