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But that's it!

Wow, with something like this I was not expecting anything epic at all, but you really got it down well! The best part was how well you seemed to imitate this guy's voice. I have no idea what this guy sounds like, but you put a great voice on it. Gee, how meta can you be when you are reviewing another review? This guy's main fault was that he used bad grammar and just came off as negative. The funniest part was probably when you went out of your way to define "contrail".

It seems to be a major disappointment as this guy may in fact be the most famous reviewer on the website now! Guys like me who make thousands of stuff would never get a tribute video. Speaking as one of the most prolific reviewers on this website, I would know a thing or two about writing reviews. You really knew how to lay the words out all over the screen. Let's hope all reviewers can learn from this guy!

RicePirate responds:

Ericho, a lot of know how awesome you are in terms of taking the time to really review pieces :) Don't think your investment is completely overlooked :)


Dude, I know you are one of the most popular people here now, but seriously? You have the highest rated cartoon judging my mere reviews on the entire website! Even if this series never becomes popular the way your other stuff did, you can at least have this as a reminder. It starts to get better with this season, because you can see the character's expressions. It gives them a lot more personality, even without voices. The graphics are as good as ever.

It is great to watch just for all the nostalgia about the days we used to go on forums like that. I definitley am glad you made Splat a villian in this! She appeared so frequently on the forums it just seemed like she tried to be a regular for no good reason. The music is also some of the most, um, "rad" in the series. You also seemed to really want to give all of your characters an important role. Congradulations on the high review average score, old friend!

Hard to comprehend

It figures that you would have a lady friend with a name as out of the ordinary as hers. What I thought was cool was that this did seem to have more jokes than the average cartoon of its kind by you. I think that she is right and an eggplant is in fact a fruit. Dang, it's not just tomatoes that get people messed up! Anyway, I kind of pine for the more surreal stuff by you, although this was pretty surreal in its own right. You could consider it a form of anti-humor.

I find it strange a man would want to be complemented on his "curves", especially by a woman. It's still nice how you create such a simple place for yourself. Thank you also for including the links to the other cartoons as few authors do that. Next time, you should probably put in more action and a background. I guess that the background does kind of work with its somewhat bland features.

Fairly mediocre

It is hard to say that there was anything particularly good or bad about this submission, because there really wasn't. The animation with the stick figures is actually pretty good, as far as stick figures go. The biggest problem is that it really is too short. At least you did not pollute it with a bunch of obscene or stupid stuff. Next time, you should really work on a background. Having a pure blank one is rarely a good idea. I have not see the other episode so I can not fully judge this series.

The voice work is actually done pretty well, although I can tell what you mean by not cracking. It seems as though you will get better if you work with that. I hope you have a happy new year and make better stuff. Hey, it could be a heck of a lot worse than a 2.45! My final thoughts are that it really should be a lot longer with more of a climax or punchline.

KillProduction responds:

You: The biggest problem is that it really is too short.

Well, duh. That's why I call Short Clip to this series. XD

Good message

I could not tell if the product placement was legitimate or if it was supposed to be parody. I think this is the first cartoon I have reviewed that came out this year. I was not too impressed at first, because the animation was alright and there did not seem to be much going on. What does matter is that you addressed the situation of how important our space stations are and stuff. I knew something like that was going to happen at the end. The funniest part was probably when he said he understood Earth's gestures more.

The voice acting was good. It seems like you were trying to match what the were emoting as the dialogue came out. So Tempur-Pedic is the one mattress where the wine glass doesn't fall off? Oh yeah, that led to another great moment about why you would want to do that in the first place, but you could. There could have been more action seeing as how it had aliens, but I am guessing that was not the goal. I had no idea the space guys owned that many brands.

Didn't know gravity worked that way

This is one of your better episodes, because everything just goes so fast so soon. It helps to introduce a Phoenix Wright parody, as you seemed to have gotten everything except that game parodied. What I think is funny is how he presents himself as the most sane person in the cartoon at first. As time goes on, you actually start to side more with the other guys, obviously. It's a great way to take note of how the female characters are portrayed in fighting games. Hey, if they want to look slutty, that's their right!

There was actually quite a bit of detail put into the characters even though the animation was goofy-looking. It seemed like you guys deserved your Review Crew Pick. I like how there were just so many characters put together in these and they seemed to have a role. Another great part is the constant onslaught of one liners. Everything just seems to fit together well and you even get to go into detail about some of the characters. I hope you had a happy new year, man, were a lot of good things submitted on this day.

Same to you guys

I have reviewed so many things before I know practically ALL of you guys and can identify with your artwork. This seemed to be a perfect way to welcome in the new year. While the cartoon itself did not seem to have much to do with the year, it was certainly fantastic. It is once again a great way to show off the art styles of everybody here. I will probably always go and say that TheBoogley had the best animation. I especially liked the thing he did with the background.

It was great to have a story attached to this, and even one that is clearly explained. The music is as fantastic as ever and it was really cute with what you guys did at the end with the "New Year/Newgrounds" thing. I mean, I really can not find anything for you guys to improve on. My favorite part would have to be the final one. I just love seeing all the Newgrounds characters, especially ones that I did not see in other tributes like the kid from "Ching Chong Beautiful" and Larry. I hope 2011 brings us great flashes like this one!

Happy new year!

This was of course a great thing to review for this new year, even it was not made in 2011. I sincerely thought this was one of the coolest flashes I have ever seen. I am surprised it only lasted 18 minutes, it seemed so enjoyable it should have lasted longer. I have to say that if there was ONE thing I did not like about this it was how the girls on the screen were not as hot as the previous ones. Speaking of hotness, I kind of liked it how you cut down on the furry porn a bit. If only Rouge was there...

Anyway, the thing that really set this apart from other cartoons was that not only did everybody contribute to this, but it was all in the same parts! It was not animation that was limiting to one thing. It was fantastic to see how the animation styles contrasted each other while on screen at the same time! This seems to have nearly every Internet celebrity contributing to it, with LittleKuriboh, Rina-chan, Kajetokun, and Joshua Tomar! Seriously, does every Internet celebrity know each other these days? I am not going to end this by saying I really want a voice in the next cartoon (as I was featured in Kirbopher's TTA series).

Woah, I think this may be the longest review I have ever written here and I have written thousands! Keep up the great work you guys as you are all what makes this website, this Internet, and this world great.

Lots of fun

This reminded me in the olden days of the clever flashes by Randy-Solem. Dang, do I wish that guy was out making new stuff! This was cool because there were a lot of different environments and designs from different games being used. While some sketches may have been done a bit better, it was overall great fun to watch. I had little idea what location I was going to see next in the Mario universe or what baddie would show up. I think my favorite would have to be the one where Mario uses the carpet and it looks like he flies into a giant breast or something.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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