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That's a lot of money

I was perplexed by the different styles of animation used in this and it was nice to see so many different styles. It shows that working together is what makes the Clock Crew great. It was especially funny to see it all go back to its roots at the end by being silly. Even some of the spam flash is not as bad as the stuff at the end. I kept thinking the title was a reference to something, like maybe "Children Of Men". I only wish Clock Day 2010 had as many good entries as the previous years had.


I shall review each part individually.

StrangeClock - It is cool to see you on the Star Syndicate. Yours was easily the best and it interesting how people enforce Rule 34 (that's Rule 35, anyway) to things you would not think of working with. 7/10.
FiveStar - Defintley the most annoying. I am glad it was not an infinite loop. 2/10
GFC - A real "breather" segment but still needed more 4/10.


Having just gotten back from seeing "Pirahnas 3D" I can now fully apprecaite something that truly revels in its utter insanity. I loved how one of the clocks appeared to be high at the end which was what caused all this in the first place. How did LeekClock recover from the gunshot wound so fast? The animation was cool in this and I laughed at the scene where SirClock sees his world high. His name makes you think of something dignfied so it is great fun to see him shoot people up, or clocks up. Happy Clock Day, SirClock!

Creatus responds:

Thank you, thank you! Yes there is indeed irony that goes along with the persona that was formed for SirClock. He is a junkie who wears a suit.

I'm the best!

I was seriously not expecting StrangeClock of all clock characters to be the villian! The highlight in this were the funny moments, the best of which by far was when BananaClock was in the asylum. It was great to see all these clocks gathered together like a police force. Other impressive parts were how the speech seemed to be a lot clear this time. I guess I just really knew how to look closer this time. I just now realized that the score is 4.20 and am disappointed there were no marijuana references in this.

Looks good

The weird thing is that when I watch this, I do not even see any clocks. The characters that appear to be featured seem to be original designs in their own right. That is actually maybe for the better, because it shows that you can work with different things. It is pretty hard to grasp the concept of this as it is quite short. I just hope you get back to working on the "Lord Of The Clocks" cartoons. You are quite prolific, so there will at least be plenty of things for me to look at in the future.

Quite good

The main problem with this is that the voices are just not that easy to understand. I do not know why, as I have never had that problem before. Still, I have to praise this for having really good animation and a great sense of atmosphere. It is fun to watch these simply because I will be introduced to new clocks all the time. This time around it was ArcticClock and FluxCapacitorClock (yeah, I'm a "Back To The Future" fan too). Despite having these voices, these characters still bring out emotion.

How sweet

This was a very interesting experiment from you, especially for such a serious tone. The best one was by far the "9/11/01" one, a very moving and deep song. Yeah, you threw in some visual jokes and word jokes but I still got a high feeling of art due to this. It is great people try to put real emotion into their work even if the presentation is a little goofy. An impossible object as an icon is however sophisticated by nature. It was also neat to be able to select the parts, and it was not scene select like.


It is interesting to know that mind f?ck phrase was around this early. It is also interesting to know that Clock Day was celebrated all the way from 2002 and stuff. The thing with this cartoon is that you, Hamburger-Clock just look so darn delicious. You even have the best clock face design of anybody here. I like the recursive theme in this, although I was wondering how long it would go on. While the animation was not good, it was alright for a Clock Day flash, and for some reason my thing says "unchanged" for the first time.

Pretty good use

The weak point of this is that there should have been some more sketches or whatever it is you call those segments. The strong point was that the graphics were really good. Of course, for a 2-D game, "Phoenix Wright" already has some of the best kind to offer. I am not that big of a fan of the songs that were played. I can, however, recognize the basic appeal of this genre and the images were quite appropriate for the song material. I think my favorite would be the first one as it is the most visually pleasing.

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