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Now that's creative!

This is an underappreciated masterpiece! It helps that I'm just so good at this game, it's easy to get really far ahead and get more points! I thank you for making this, as it can get tough with the changing atmospheres, but overall a very good performance!

Quite enjoyable

I don't think this was as good as the first game, it was still nice, as it's always nice for your goal in a game to kill yourself! It gets a little frustrating, but the gameplay is overall pretty smooth, and I love the fake ending.

Good graphics!

The 3D graphics were top notch, and this had everything you could ask for from a game like this. Not a classic, but very well done, and a great time waster.

Great to see this!

Always good to see a sequel to a great game! I didn't think this was as good as the first installment, as the gameplay wasn't as good, but I will say that the animation was better and the designs were too scraggly either. I know it's just meant to be an endless gore fest, but I would've liked it if the sword could more abilities and powers like the first one.

How creative!

This game had a lot of stuff going towards it. I had no idea what to expect when I first laid eyes on it. While games like these may get frustrating, they're still very enjoyable and you really are satisified when you do well in them. I also liked the graphics and the way the cog sparkled as it went along! How happy looking!

Nice game

While it was less enjoyable (and more frustrating) than the previous "GemCraft" installment on this website, it was still fun, with a lot of cool-looking enemies and of course an overall creative style.

Frustrating but enjoyable

I couldn't understand this game at first, but I'm glad I was able to and enjoy it! Even though I'm not that good at this game, it's still a great idea as it's always fun to destroy things in games, even if it's done casually (although that makes it more fun in cases like these).

I liked it

It was a little frustrating at first, but it was a pretty addictive game, and it was a pretty original concept, even if it wasn't that flashy looking.

Silly me

I wasn't able to find out that I was putting in "Computer" for every slot, and I got confused when all the dice roles were automatic! Anyway, a good enough game. While the graphics weren't the best, I do admit it was an interesting gameplay style, and it did make you think even if you're not good at puzzle games (like me).

Decent game

I guess it wasn't that creative, but it did have a lot of things going for it, especially the character design. That block design is funny to me. I'm not very good at this game, so that does take away some enjoyment, but the most impressive thing was the graphics which are very good, especially for 2D.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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