View Profile Ericho

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Pretty good

While not on par with some of your other work, it was still nice. It was a little hard to understand, but I did like the graphics, especially the 3D images that were shown in the beginning.


I enjoy Tetris as much as the next guy, but couldn't get very far in this game! Those poor people!

Nice enough

It wasn't the most creative of games ever made, but it was at least playable. It was kind of frustrating as you couldn't turn like you wanted to, and it was so easy to die, but good enough.

Pretty enjoyable

While it certianly wasn't as good as your "Epic Battle Fantasy", it was still well done. I love any game done by you with your beautiful, cute, and sexy (!) style. I don't get it. I simply love cats but I still seem to enjoy these games where you hurt them! I hope I don't have an identity crisis.

Another good addition!

I'm not a huge fan of these games, but I think they are pretty fun to play. I like it how there's so many ways to go everywhere, but you don't know where you're going or even where you've been! I'm not that good at puzzle games, so it was a bit hard to understand, but still an enjoyable time waster.

I loved it

Sure, little happened, but there was so much heart in this flash! I would've loved it even if it stopped with the guy masturbating! In fact, what am I doing here? I should obey that sun!


Not a fan of bar games (so this review might seem a little biased) but it was okay, even if I couldn't understand what was going on.

Interesting game!

I knew that you were one to come up with the craziest animation style, but I don't think I'd ever played a game you made before! It was pretty enjoyable, though very hard. I especially enjoyed richocheting the missiles and stuff back at the enemies, although I will say I ''wish'' I could find out how long it took before you beat Level 4. Nonetheless, it's pretty much everything you could want from a game make by an animator as zany as you! Thank you!

Not bad

Some of the controls were hard to learn, but it was still nice. The character designs were very original, and it was much like a standard action game (which I like of course).

I liked it!

I enjoy games like Risk (although I'm not really a big fan of it), and this was quite faithful to that kind of gameplay. I enjoyed playing this game and it wasn't too difficult to understand.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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